abigail's reputation in the crucible

The end of act one the girls start accusing random people of seeing them with the devil. Answer Abigail Williams showed the importance of her reputation by lying and threatening during difficult situations. The pernicious accusations, has a reputation to protect. Abigail lives in the Parris household because her own parents are dead. Proctor could also tell the court about the girls dancing in the woods, but expose that he and Abby were alone together. They were expected to be "pure" and do everything asked of them. The girls don't get accused of witchcraft and Betty . John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth used to employ Abigail, until Elizabeth found out the affair and threw Abigail out. To get a high-quality original essay, click here. In the beginning of the book Reverend Parris is worried that his reputation might fall because of what the kids have done in the woods. Abigail is introduced in The Crucible as a character who has an "endless capacity for dissembling" (9) As the former servant for the Proctor family, she is not only fired by Elizabeth Proctor because of her relationship with John Proctor but her name is also "blackened" by the somewhat spurned wife. Salem has changed . Throughout the book, there are many examples to show how this is true. She is the leader of her group of girlfriends and is willing to do anything to protect herself. Arthur Millers idea that reputation is staggeringly important in order to present yourself is presented throughout the story. Parris, Abigail, and others to protect their reputations. Although, after they figured out that Abigail was faking the whole the thing. Abigail Williams Quotes in The Crucible One example of this is Reverend Parris when hes talking to Abigail after Betty falls ill: But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (10). These characteristics pertain particularly to Abigail, and give a graphic To hold up one's reputation is a theme that is illustrated by the actions of abigail and procter. description of her life, and how she deals with things in it. To understand the complicated relations between Proctor and Abigail, it is necessary to take a closer look at all of the problems that have occurred leading up to how the story ends. In this case it occurs in the crucible. Members of the community claimed to have seen a person's spirit performing witchcraft, a crime that would cause a person to be sentenced to death. After this happened, Abigail was forced to move into her Uncle, Reverend Parris house. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is a play, book, and movie that depicts the horror of the Salem Witch Trials that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. Halfway through the first act, Arthur Miller gives us a brief scene of John Proctor and Abigail together, revealing they have had a sexual affair. The importance of reputation makes a prominent appearance in todays society as well as in the Crucible. However, she assures her reputation is pure and good. In the beginning of the play, John proctor had a decent amount of power. Women in Salem had a higher risk of hurting their reputations. Abigail wanted John all to herself, so she accused John's wife Elizabeth and many . The fear of witchcraft turns the once peaceful village upside down and accusations destroy the lives and reputations of so many people. He worries that if the townspeople learn that his daughter and niece have fiddled with witchcraft, his position as pastor could be, Parriss insecurities are partially due to his daughter being unwell but privately he is concerned for his own reputation. The play has manifested into more than words on a page and has become of the greatest influences, even sixty years after its publication. Different characters actions have different impacts on the community, but one character stands out the most. Irony, which highlights the differences between the two, is an often misused and misunderstood literary device that can work wonders when used correctly. How can a girl who condemned seventy two to a death sentence and drank a charm to kill a mans wife, a man she has slept with on more than one occasion be the victim? Miller tried to point out the similarity between the fear during the Salem witch trials and the fear of communism in the 1950s. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller illustrates the contrast and controversy between public and private life, through the historical event of the Salem witch trials. Abigail's Power In The Crucible "The Crucible," took place during the witch trial in Salem, which was an isolated village in Massachusetts, U.S.A. The moment we meet Abigail, she is immediately described as one "with an endless capacity for dissembling". The Crucible Essay - Zoey Gregory He could tell the court about the affair and expose what kind of a person Abigail was, which would lead the court to stop believing Abigails false accusations. The Crucibles The judges would also be less likely to do something after hearing John Proctors proof because people were already being hanged. He then realized that he was the only one who knew about this proof, which had the power to end the witchcraft nonsense. The Crucibles Through the literary work The crucible by Arthur Miller, it is introduced that this complex story shows many up and downs. Act 1 of the Crucible sets up the unfolding of events which lead to witch accusations and increasing When caught by Reverend Parris dancing in the forest at night with other. Lust, guilt, reputation, vengeance. Therefore, people actually began liking Parris and his family., Act I of The Crucible opens with Salems minister, the Reverend Parris, watching over his sick daughter Betty, wondering what is wrong with her. The society of Salem is a very comforting society where the men have the power of the women, and where the men run the church. "You cannot command Mr Parris, We vote by name in this society, not by acreage.". Reputation is tremendously significant in theocratic Salem. There was no such thing as private moralities, instead, a person's reputation was a public matter showcased for the town to judge and discern. He tells her just as he is starting to gain reputation Abigail might compromise his character. This shows as Miller presents him a somewhat a villain. He is insecure about not belonging., In olden times, witchcraft was considered a crime and was punishable by death. It is a dramatization of the Salem witch trials that took place in the Province of Massachusetts Bay during 1692 and 1693. At the end of the play, John Proctor confesses to witchcraft but refuses to hand over his signature. In the play, John Proctor told the court that he had an affair with Abigail. One of the major foils is Reverend Parris to John Proctor. about her husband committing the crime of lechery. He asserts that she and the other girls were involved in witchcraft and accepts this as the truth, even if he is not certain that he is right. He was also hesitant to admit the affair because that would hurt his reputation. After he catches them dancing around a fire in the woods, he is very concerned with what this will reflect upon their name and, more importantly, his name. Abigail Williams can be described in a number of words. When she is unable to get what she wants she raises suspicion towards John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor for practicing witchcraft. However, because of his position Parris has become very selfish and cares about his reputation in the community more than anything else. Abigail Williams and her uncle Reverend Parris seem to be exceptionally careful with what they do to keep the reputation they have. for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it (Miller 1131). On the surface, Parris appears to be very concerned, The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an elaborate play that tells the story of the village of Salem and how the community slowly falls apart because of a strategic witch hunt ploy. In act four he is lying when he tells Danforth to postpone the hangings because his life is in danger, In the opening scene, Reverend Parris is introduced as a very apprehensive character. Abigail "and a group of young girls reportedly danced and practiced abominations in the woods: where the witchcraft hysteria begun.". The people of Salem would. This characteristic is demonstrated in the first act of The Crucible when Abigail lies about what exactly happened in the woods: "Uncle, we did dance; let you tell them I confessed it - and I'll be whipped if I must be. Her actions drive the . When Abigail denies that they were practicing witchcraft, he does not believe her. Crucible Final Essay In Salem, people value their good names. Parris immediately says, "Excellency, since I come to Salem this man is blackening my name." She is charismatic, bright and persuasive yet lacks any sense of morals or fairness. In rigid communities like Salem, a bad reputation can result in social or even physical punishment. Both may influence us, however one self is fraught to triumph over another. If his households name is tainted by the rumours of witchcraft, hes reputation as a reverend will be of no value and cursed. To begin, Abigail lies about the events that partake in the woods. That evening in the forest, he also saw a cauldron and a frog leaping into it. Miller reveals Parriss selfish attitude from the beginning of the play. Next, Abigail threatens the girls to keep quiet: The Crucible: The Evilness and Selfishness of Abigail Williams Abigail to John P Act 1. Abigail's Motivation In The Crucible. In act one on page 18 she threatened Betty to follow her rules or she will kill her. In act 1 Abigail says that there is "no blush about [her] name" meaning that she is respected in Salem (Miller 141). Get professional help and free up your time for more important things. "But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again". Expert Answers. The Many Lies in Salem More than anything else, Parris is worried about his reputation . Time has passed since we last saw Abigail in the court. At the beginning of the play when Parris is praying for his daughter to wake, he calls. Parris is hooked on his reputation in Salem and trying to hold onto his power, so he never pays much attention to Abigail or his own daughter, Betty. Rev. In the Crucible there was three characters that stood out from all the other ones in this wicked story. Abigail's Reputation in The Crucible Essay Example Because she is a female, Abigail's reputation is based on her "purity" and she would lose more credibility than John if the court believed the affair happened. Mary says that because she did not want to have her reputation tarnished. In the play, Mary fears she will be labled as a witch, so she urges Abigail tell the town the truth. Abigail, I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff-necked people to me, and now, just now when some good respect is rising for me in the parish, you compromise my very character. (Miller 11). In the story, Abigail is a hirable maid who stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Proctor. John McCarthy, a politician, falsely accused government officials, One of the many works written and driven by Puritan influence, The Crucible by Arthur Miller has continued to influence life and thinkings. Abigail's motive was power and social status; their decision to not confess causes more problems within the community by the end of the play. Although Abigail Williams is typically thought of as the antagonist of Arthur Millers The Crucible, she is in fact a victim as much as any other tragic character in the play. Thus Parris self-portrait evinces a man who possesses a deal of enemies. Mrs. Proctor learned of the affair and fired her immediately. In Salem, people value their good names. The Puritans in Salem live in a sacred society. Its possible when the town she lives in is worse than her. Her reputation in Salem Lies and Deceit The court was only interested in what Abigail did, and overemphasized her situation. Abigail cares about her reputation because she doesn't want to be accused of anything. And I pray you feel the weight of truth, Parris sort of tries to get Abigail to tell him what happened by telling her that not only his reputation is in danger but also her cousin. One of the driving fears that comes up quite often in The Crucible is the fear of a bad reputation. She used to live at the home of John and Elizabeth Proctor, but they asked her to leave for some mysterious reason., The book The Crucible by Arthur Miller was successful in warning the citizens of America against McCarthyism during the 1950s. Reputation and integrity is set forward in the story, as it causes the plot to develop and advance, and it is discernible all throughout the story, especially the end. At first, Abigail said her and the girls were just dancing, but the truth crawled its way out of Abigail eventually. Now, the whole community knows to not hire her because she has a "dirty" name, meaning she is known for doing wrong. John to Abigail Act 1. Mary says that because she did not want to have her reputation tarnished. Abigail's character traits, motivations and conflicts are key factors in driving the plot of The Crucible. Abigail Williams from The Crucible is a clear representation of how impactful, Arthur Miller shows that reputation is most important in The Crucible through character development and dialogue. In the play, Mary fears she will be labled as a witch, so she urges Abigail tell the town the truth. The court thought differently about Abigail. Abigail is one of the most misunderstood characters because she is so good at lying that it almost seems like she is telling the truth., As the Salem minister in the Puritan era, Parriss personifications mirror one who possesses a brim-stone and fiery demeanor and one who does not take into account anybodys suggestions without his affirmation. Mary wanted to have a good reputation this desire ended up messing her up in the end. Paris was questioning Abigails purity because if she or any woman did anything slightly wrong, it was a big deal. Reputation is also a very big thing in The Crucible by Arthur Arthur Miller is trying to tell the reader that there were plenty of times where people in Salem have tried to protect their reputation. After John admitted to the affair, he was not imprisoned and he was still listened to. November 23, 2015 Also in act three Parris does perjury when he tell the court that he say no one dancing naked in the woods even though he has when he tell Abigail. In Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, the perception of reputation being a way in which an individual can, Arthur Miller shows that reputation is most important in The Crucible through character development and dialogue. She bears most of the responsibility for the girls meeting with Tituba in the woods, and once Parris discovers them, she attempts to conceal her behavior because it will reveal her affair with Proctor if she confesses to casting a spell on Elizabeth Proctor. Reputation in the Crucible Reputation plays a huge role in everyday society. Parris is a highly respected man in the society and keeps a pure white name within the government system. He still had to do what was right to protect his reputation. This shows that Abby would lose more credibility than John, because if Elizabeth would have admitted that John had an affair, Abby would be arrested and no longer trusted. One can have either a respected or shriveled reputation. "I saw Goody Sibber with the devil." (pg.118). The court had gotten too powerful, and now John was in a bad situation. In another writer's hands, Abby could have been portrayed in a sympathetic light. Betty's not witched" (Act 1, p. 9). Judge Danforth was waiting for Elizabeth to speak on the situation, and said to Abigail And if she tell me, child, it were for harlotry, may God spread His mercy on you (Miller 103). John Proctor held in the truth for too long which led him to being in the situation he was in; being powerless. He thought they would try to over throw him as minister. Initially he was frightened that any indication of witchcraft be established in his home; he has been the Reverend after all, has not been establishing in effectively with the community. Thus, these essays are of lower quality than ones written by experts. One character in particular is Reverend Parris. November 23, 2015 The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, was written during the early 1950s.It was the time of The rise of Senator Joseph McCarthys.All throughout history, accusations of witchcraft have been used as an excuse for the discrimination of people who cultures, traditions, race, and ideas were not easily accepted nor understood by the society even if it was untrue.In todays society students are taught this because it shows how important The Crucible, and McCarthyism were and what changes they went through because of the human condition.It is extremely important and appropriate because it allows students the opportunity to respond in terms of their own experiences .The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism had many similarities. she is a young woman, having passions and desires. This character is Abigail Williams. I have given you my soul; leave me my name! bellowed John Proctor to Danforth in Act IV. According to the townspeople in theocratic Salem, an individual was to become prestigious and sacrifice everything for a good name. Those who did everything expected of them, and worked to please the men, were the only women who held a somewhat higher social standing. Even though she was also accompanied by other liars who also took role in the murders of innocents she is the one that has to take the biggest blame for it all. Abigail is still in love with John, and wants to believe that he is still in love with her (even after he says he is not). She is a complex character who wants to be in a relationship with a married farmer, John Proctor. her selfish and evil ways, causes the destruction of many people in the town of Parris saw the girls attempting witchcraft in the woods, yet as the play moves forward, he doesnt say anything about it for fear of his enemies ruining him and taking away his reputation as a minister. Reverend Parris illustrates that the play isnt about witch hunting but rather human and societal flaws because his is more concerned about his reputation in town compared to the welfare of the girls. He wanted them brought forward and executed if they would not come to God and confess their sins. The Puritans were very religious, the other side represents our private lives. Parris is still in the room worried about what might happen to him in the town and how he will look in front of everyone even though his daughter is lying there in bed sick. English III H AP Lang 1 AP Lang 1 Abigail Williams from The Crucible is a clear representation of how impactful, Addington This obsession with keeping his name clean is shown again towards the end of the play when John Proctor tells the court of the girls dancing in the woods. The Salem Witch looked to be so innocent, because of this she had everyone fooled. Arthur Millers The Crucible is a tragic play set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, where Miller uses the Salem Trials as a metaphor for the 1950s McCarthy hearings. In The Crucible, Miller demonstrated that it was Abigail's flaws of lust, dishonesty, and . Parris to Abigail The townspeople may already have heard rumors that Abigail is not a proper girl, if Elizabeth Proctor has been talking about her in the town. Abigail from 'The Crucible' is the villain of the play. Parris and Hale are both upset by the content of Tituba's words yet they will choose to believe her. Throughout the play, it is made obvious that witchcraft is something that can cause the people of Salem to be hanged. McCarthyism began because of a man named McCarthy and in the story The Crucible, a young girl named Abigail started the madness which lead to the witch trials. He had the option to confess to witchcraft or be hanged; he had lost all of his power. Abigail Williams is one of the most contradictory figures within The Crucible. But they're speakin' of witchcraft. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller illustrates the contrast and controversy between public and private life, through the historical event of the Salem witch trials. The Puritan community acts as a theocracy in which there appears to be no right to privacy, and people must conform to a strict moral code. To hold up one's reputation is a theme that is illustrated by the actions of abigail and procter. As a result, after Parris finds his daughter, Betty- seriously ill, having danced in the forest the night before, crowds of people begin spewing accusations that Betty must have cavorted with the Devil. play. Though its story has not changed and is merely a retelling of the original itself, What Is Abigail's Reputation In The Crucible. The proof! (Miller 55). The fact of the matter is that reputation plays a big role in society and it is should be very important to people and they should value it. Abigail Williams does a lot so she does not jeopardize her own reputation, even though it puts others lives at risk. Injustice is something has become very common amongst us. Abigail was galvanized by love, creating a duplicitous version of herself and sparked conflict between herself, Proctor, and Elizabeth., In the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams is a very manipulative, seductive, and dishonest person. He was hesitant to tell the truth because it would reveal that he was alone with Abigail. This deceit and manipulative behavior is the main . Miller.

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