topical collagen pubmed

2002;36:173175; discussion 176-177. 2004;22:854861. Ohno-Shosaku T., Kano M. Endocannabinoid-mediated retrograde modulation of synaptic transmission. Effect of cannabidiol on drop seizures in the lennoxgastaut syndrome. J Orthop Res. Hydrophilic THC prodrugs have been obtained by linkage with valine, with dipeptides and amino acid-dicarboxylic esters (Figure 2). [, Leppilahti J, Orava S, Karpakka J, Takala T. Overuse injuries of the Achilles tendon. Rose hip oil is extracted from seeds of rose hip (Rosa canina L.). The development of the CE is attributed to the crosslinking of insoluble proteins (involucrin and loricrin) by transglutaminases. It is easy to apply and cosmetically acceptable. [54,55], Topical vitamin E has also been found to be effective in granuloma annulare. 2002;359:657662. reported only a 67% satisfactory functional result at a mean followup of 6years in a series of 64 patients who required dbridement of devitalized tendon [109]. J Bone Joint Surg Br. Triterpenes may induce cell migration, proliferation, and collagen deposition [55]. Korac R.R., Khambholja K.M. According to 2020 research, hydrolyzed collagen in creams and other topical products can moisturize the skin, while oral collagen supplements may help boost collagen in the body. This study showed improvement in the eccentric strengthening group compared to a wait and see group at 4months. Similar results were seen in a pilot study injecting the midsubstance of the Achilles tendon with the sclerosing agent. Despite their widespread use, there is some controversy as to their usefulness and safety in this setting. [60], Topical application of vitamin E can rarely cause contact dermatitis,[61] erythema multiforme,[62] and xanthomatous reaction.[63]. 2007;41:211216. Comparison of supervised exercise with and without manual physical therapy for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. A review: Self emulsifying drug delivery system. Mirak consists of natural spring water, valconic earth, and vitamin E cream. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that cannabinoids are beneficial for a range of clinical conditions, including pain, inflammation, epilepsy, sleep disorders, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, anorexia, schizophrenia and other conditions. Apoptosis has been shown to correlate with inhibition of the NF-B pathway [108]. [1] They frequently determine aesthetic impairment and may be symptomatic, causing itching, tenderness, pain, sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression and disruption of daily activities. Nanoscale-range powders have been produced using the spray drier technique. A Cochrane review evaluating deep friction massage found no benefit with deep friction massage over other treatments. Anastassov G., Changoer L. Chewing Gum Composition Comprising Cannabinoids and Opioid Agonists and/or Antagonists. [, Perlick L, Luring C, Bathis H, Perlick C, Kraft C, Diedrich O. Efficacy of extracorporal shock-wave treatment for calcific tendinitis of the shoulder: experimental and clinical results. 1997;79:7376. 2005;320:201206. 2007;12:200208. [, Day BH, Govindasamy N, Patnaik R. Corticosteroid injections in the treatment of tennis elbow. The approaches vary greatly between studies based partly on the extent of abnormality. J Bone Joint Surg Am. De Vries J.A., Fernandez Cid M.V., Heredia Lopez A.M., Eiroa Martinez C.M. Interesting and promising transdermal administration results can also be found in the use of terpenes (from the same source) as CBD and THC penetration enhancers, and thus improve the effectiveness of the therapeutic components. When topically applied to hairless mice, sodium dl--tocopheryl-6-O-phosphate, a water-soluble derivative of vitamin E (dl--tocopherol), enhances ceramide synthesis and gene expression of differentiation markers (transglutaminase 1, cytokeratin 10, involucrin, and loricrin) [40]. Elsevier; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 2012. will also be available for a limited time. In many cases, there is not enough high level evidence available to support the efficacy of the treatment modality evaluated. Cannabidiol in patients with seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (GWPCARE4): A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Br J Sports Med. Polymers for drug delivery systems. Br J Sports Med. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Cherniakov I., Izgelov D., Barasch D., Davidson E., Domb A.J., Hoffman A. Piperine-pro-nanolipospheres as a novel oral delivery system of cannabinoids: Pharmacokinetic evaluation in healthy volunteers in comparison to buccal spray administration. 2005;23:425430. Hauch JT. Korgavkar K., Wang F. Stretch marks during pregnancy: A review of topical prevention. (B) The Achilles is then eccentrically loaded by slowly lowering the heel to a dorsiflexed position. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. Am J Sports Med. Contrasting the abundance of public domain comment on the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids is the fact that there has only been a limited number of rigorous clinical studies on the topic, due to the illegal status of cannabinoids in most countries. Van Damme P.A., Anastassov G.E. 2004;31:16141620. In 1975, Ayres and Mihan reported control of the condition of three patients with HaileyHailey disease by oral administration of vitamin E in the form of d--tocopheryl acetate in doses of 8001200 IU/L. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help 2006;34:17381746. A comparison of intranasal fentanyl spray with oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate for the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain: an open-label, randomised, crossover trial. Learn more Skeletal Radiol. A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was performed to test clinical effects of undershirts coated with borage oil on children with AD [97]. Our purpose was to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of these treatment options with recommendations based on the best level of evidence available. Unsurprisingly, olive oil has been used as a skin product and hair cosmetic for a long time in several cultures. Nielsen S., Sabioni P., Trigo J.M., Ware M.A., Betz-Stablein B.D., Murnion B., Lintzeris N., Khor K.E., Farrell M., Smith A., et al. A patient with hypertrophic scar before and after treatment, A patient with minor keloid before and after treatment, A patient with burn scar before and after treatment, Since the early 1980s, silicone gel sheeting has been widely used in the treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids. Adelli G.R., Bhagav P., Taskar P., Hingorani T., Pettaway S., Gul W., Elsohly M.A., Repka M.A., Majumdar S. Development of a 9-tetrahydrocannabinol amino acid-dicarboxylate prodrug with improved ocular bioavailability. Scand J Med Sci Sports. WO2001003668A1. FOIA The results vary between studies and appear to correlate with the extent of tendon damage. Would you like email updates of new search results? Schimrigk S., Marziniak M., Neubauer C., Kugler E.M., Werner G., Abramov-Sommariva D. Dronabinol is a safe long-term treatment option for neuropathic pain patients. Effect of German chamomile oil application on alleviating atopic dermatitis-like immune alterations in mice. Foot Ankle Int. [33] reported administering shock waves to a rat Achilles tendinopathy model resulted in increased tenocyte proliferation and increased expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 and insulin growth factor 1. 2004;32:12861296. In a randomized, double-bind, placebo-controlled trial, a combination of oral proanthocyanidin plus vitamin A, C, and E was assessed in 60 Phillipino females with bilateral epidermal melasma. International clinical recommendations on scar management. Skin diseases associated with the depletion of stratum corneum lipids and stratum corneum lipid substitution therapy. It was also seen that most (40%) of the scars were between 1 and 3 months duration, 26.6% of scars were of less than 1 month duration, 20% of scars were between 3 and 6 months and 13.33% scars were of more than 6 months duration. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. The base formulation, which is an isotropic mixture of an active compound in combination with lipids, surfactants and a co-solvent, has been called a pro-nano-liposphere (PNL) pre-concentrate and is ingested as a soft gelatine capsule. 2007 Feb 21;55(4):1532-5. doi: 10.1021/jf062834s. Touitou E., Dayan N., Bergelson L., Godin B., Eliaz M. EthosomesNovel vesicular carriers for enhanced delivery: Characterization and skin penetration properties. Shea butter is frequently used in the cosmetic industry due to its high percentage of the unsaponifiable fraction (e.g., triterpenes, tocopherol, phenols, and sterols), which possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties [57]. A novel gelatin/carboxymethyl chitosan/nano-hydroxyapatite/-tricalcium phosphate biomimetic nanocomposite scaffold for bone tissue engineering applications. Only studies evaluating the treatment modalities described above were kept for this review. The process is depicted in four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling [15]. Therapeutic implications of a barrier-based pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Final photographs were taken at this time. 1992;63:631634. Pain. A double blind study. Neer Award 1999. Enhanced barrier functions and anti-inflammatory effect of cultured coconut extract on human skin. Twenty percent of scars were of Grade III and IV at the end of study;10% in each grade [Table 2]. This early work suggests stem cell technology may have a role in tendon grafting and repair, but whether this technology will successfully be applied to the treatment of tendinopathy remains to be seen. The group with the eccentric strengthening showed a considerable improvement in pain, strength, and function compared with the control group. J Bone Joint Surg Br. In vitro studies have shown that oat oil can upregulate the expression of differentiation genes (e.g., involucrin, small prolin-rich protein family (SPRRs), and transglutaminase 1) and ceramide processing genes (-glucocerebrosidase, sphingomyelinases 3 and ABCA12) in keratinocytes [103]. Although the application of growth factors to augment tendon repairs seems feasible, it is unclear whether there is a role for growth factors in the treatment of tendinopathy. Sclerosing polidocanol injections appear to provide pain relief if the involved tendon has documented neovascularization seen on Doppler ultrasound. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression in murine and human nonmelanoma skin cancers: Implications for therapeutic approaches. Hay EM, Paterson SM, Lewis M, Hosie G, Croft P. Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of local corticosteroid injection and naproxen for treatment of lateral epicondylitis of elbow in primary care. A prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial comparing subacromial injection of betamethasone and xylocaine to xylocaine alone in chronic rotator cuff tendinosis. The psychotropic effects of cannabis are principally mediated by CB1, which is widely distributed throughout the brain, but mainly in the frontal cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum. This is a biocompatible, biodegradable, FDA-approved, semi-crystalline aliphatic polyester that degrades slowly. Furthermore, other improved oral-dosage formulations and therapeutic applications have been presented in a number of patents. [, Smidt N, van der Windt DA, Assendelft WJ, Deville WL, Korthals-de Bos IB, Bouter LM. Careers. Results from double-blind, placebo controlled trials have recently been published [62,63,64]. Budiyanto A., Ahmed N.U., Wu A., Bito T., Nikaido O., Osawa T., Ueda M., Ichihashi M. Protective effect of topically applied olive oil against photocarcinogenesis following UVB exposure of mice. It is rich in phenolic compounds, FFAs, and vitamins. J Orthop Res. Fukuda S., Kohsaka H., Takayasu A., Yokoyama W., Miyabe C., Miyabe Y., Harigai M., Miyasaka N., Nanki T. Cannabinoid receptor 2 as a potential therapeutic target in rheumatoid arthritis. Curr Med Res Opin. Cannabinoids and muscular pain. will also be available for a limited time. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract, which contains resveratrol, has been topically applied to mice, showing faster wound contraction, enhanced synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and greater connective tissue deposition [68]. The treatment group received GTN patches that delivered 1.25mg GTN every 24hours. MeSH Kanehara S., Ohtani T., Uede K., Furukawa F. Clinical effects of undershirts coated with borage oil on children with atopic dermatitis: A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. It is a good source of essential FFAs, phenolic compounds, phytosterols, and lipid-soluble fractions [136]. Mixed results have been published with regard to the long-term benefits of subacromial corticosteroid injections for rotator cuff tendinopathy. The suppression or inhibition of inflammatory/pro-inflammatory mediators using synthetic anti-inflammatory compounds (both steroidal and non-steroidal) is one of the major routes for the treatment of inflammatory disorders. Paudel et al. Control. Sesamol, one of its constituent, specifically play a role in the chemopreventive effects [66]. 2003;8:777783. Mercer NS. Cannabinoids desensitize capsaicin and mustard oil responses in sensory neurons via TRPA1 activation. Transdermal administration avoids the first-pass metabolism effect that is associated with the oral route and thus improves drug bioavailability. The skin encounters daily onslaught by exogenous stimuli. Shabykin G.P., Godorazhi A.I. 1998;8:7881. Bioavailability decreased when the PEG content of the formulation was lowered from 100% to 50%, while the addition of permeation enhancers did not lead to AUC enhancements. Fabiani R., De Bartolomeo A., Rosignoli P., Servili M., Montedoro G.F., Morozzi G. Cancer chemoprevention by hydroxytyrosol isolated from virgin olive oil through G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Tashiro T., Fukuda Y., Osawa T., Namiki M. Oil and Minor Components of Sesame (. Poly--caprolactone microspheres as a drug delivery system for cannabinoid administration: Development, characterization and in vitro evaluation of their antitumoral efficacy. FOIA No other clinical trials have evaluated hyperthermia in the treatment of tendinopathy. J Hand Ther. Effects of tocotrienol on aging skin: A systematic review. Elias P.M., Wakefield J.S. Jackson D.K., Hyatt K. Silicone and Hyaluronic Acid (HLA) Delivery Systems for Products by Sustainable Processes for Medical Uses Including Wound Management. These responses can be divided into two phases: acute and chronic. Sunflower seed oil also exhibited a chemopreventive effect in a murine model of skin cancer with two-stage carcinogenesis. This study was undertaken to verify the efficacy of a new topical silicone treatment; a self-drying spreadable gel that needs no means of fixation and cannot be seen because of complete transparency. [59] Theoretically, however, due to the involvement of cytochrome P450 system in the metabolism of orally supplemented RRR--tocopherol, drug interactions have to be taken into account when supranutritional doses of Vitamin E are provided. Improved drug-delivery devices that can separate and release active cannabis substances have been disclosed in another patent [90]; drug delivery cartridges, which include a substrate coated with at least one of either THC or CBD, are configured to allow for the passage of air through the cartridge to volatilise the agent for inhalation by a user. Furthermore, the nervous system, peripheral or central, is injured in neuropathic pain. Also, prior approval of hospital ethical committee was taken before the study. [. The aim of this article is to review the cosmetic as well as clinical implications of vitamin E in dermatology. Reinke J.M., Sorg H. Wound repair and regeneration. 1978;220:459462. 1999;15:126131. The inhibitory effect of DL-alpha-tocopheryl ferulate in lecithin on melanogenesis. (B) A 23-gauge needle is passed into the area of neovascularization under ultrasound guidance and the sclerosant is injected. Structure and function of the epidermal barrier. 2004;134:20172021. Bitter apricot oil has been shown to induce apoptosis of HaCaT cells through both death receptor and mitochondrial pathways. Topical applications of SFAs and UFAs in healthy volunteers showed differences in TEWL and irritant skin response [45]. Russo E.B. Scars vary greatly in quality, depending on individual and racial patient features, the nature of the trauma, and the conditions of wound healing. [67]. Corticosteroid injections for lateral epicondylitis do not provide any long-term benefit (612months) compared with placebo, NSAIDs, or physical therapy in randomized, controlled studies [71, 159, 160, 188]. [, Basford JR, Sheffield CG, Cieslak KR. Toth C., Mawani S., Brady S., Chan C., Liu C., Mehina E., Garven A., Bestard J., Korngut L. An enriched-enrolment, randomized withdrawal, flexible-dose, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel assignment efficacy study of nabilone as adjuvant in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Agonistic Properties of Cannabidiol at 5-HT1a Receptors. Scand J Rehabil Med. There is some question whether nitric oxide simply has an analgesic effect or a healing effect in the treatment of tendinopathy. Some current clinical guidelines and systematic reviews consider cannabis-based medicines as third- or fourth-line therapies for chronic neuropathic pain syndromes, for use when established therapies (e.g., anticonvulsants, antidepressants) have failed [44,45]. Sur R., Nigam A., Grote D., Liebel F., Southall M.D. Sesame oil is derived from Sesamum indicum. Only products from Vitality Biopharma (cannabinoid prodrugs) seem to be designed for a targeted approach to the gut. A single-blind, placebo-controlled study was performed by Tsoureli-Nikita et al. We compare the efficacy of nutritional intake of vitamin C versus topical application, identify the areas where lack of evidence limits our understanding of the potential benefits of vitamin C on skin health, and suggest which skin properties are most likely to benefit from improved nutritional vitamin C intake. Recently, tocopherol-rich argan oil-based nanoemulsions has been developed as vehicles possessing anticancer activity in murine breast and colon carcinoma cells [83]. It contains polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols, squalene, and triterpene alcohols. Betulin treatment in keratinocyte cultures has shown to increase mRNA levels of chemokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and mediators that are important in WH (Figure 1). Rombaut N., Savoire R., Thomasset B., Belliard T., Castello J., Van Hecke E., Lanoiselle J.L. For example, neuropathy is still among the most common diabetes complications, affecting up to 50% of patients, despite recent advances in treatment. Karschner E.L., Darwin W.D., Goodwin R.S., Wright S., Huestis M.A. Collagen and gelatin have been widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries due to their excellent biocompatibility, easy biodegradability, and weak antigenicity. The scars were evaluated at monthly intervals. The type of therapy used can be quite variable from one therapist to the next, and orthopaedic surgeons are often not involved in choosing the type of therapy used. Marrot L. Pollution and Sun Exposure: A Deleterious Synergy. Each author certifies that he has no commercial associations (eg consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. [, Krasheninnikoff M, Ellitsgaard N, Rogvi-Hansen B, Zeuthen A, Harder K, Larsen R, Gaardbo H. No effect of low power laser in lateral epicondylitis. Chronic state of inflammation plays an important role in the onset of classic inflammatory diseases (e.g., arthritis) but also of various diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cancer, asthma. Sawada Y, Sone K. Treatment of scars and keloids with a cream containing silicone oil. Drugs, such as cannabinoids, that are metabolized by liver and gut enzymes (first-pass hepatic metabolism), have specific pharmacokinetic requirements, demonstrate poor gastrointestinal permeability and cause irritation and therefore require alternatives to systemic oral delivery. Vitamin E, occurring naturally in food in the form of -Toc oxidizes slowly when exposed to air. The transdermal administration of CBD has also been observed to provide better absorption than the oral administration route in same arthritic model [30]. [1,2], Vitamin E is synthesized by plants and must be obtained through dietary sources. Hartman R.L., Brown T.L., Milavetz G., Spurgin A., Gorelick D.A., Gaffney G., Huestis M.A. PK evaluations in a rat model have indicated that only piperine enhanced the oral bioavailability of CBD in-vivo [130]. Am J Sports Med. Epidiolex (from GW Pharmaceuticals plc, Cambridge, UK), is a liquid formulation of a CBD solution that has recently been approved in the US as an adjuvant treatment in Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy. Further research has shown that vitamin C can also increase collagen gene expression in fibroblasts [31,32,33,34,35]. Before Of note, only 40% of the patients in this series reported improvement after the procedure at the 2-year followup. Jiang W.G., Bryce R.P., Horrobin D.F. In addition to resveratrol, grape seed oil has a high content of linoleic acid, vitamin E, and phenolic compounds. Inflammatory effects can either be modulated via the upregulation of cannabinoid receptor activity or increased production of endocannabinoids, providing an attenuation in joint destruction in preclinical models of inflammatory arthritis that mimic human rheumatoid arthritis [30,32]. Percutaneous release of the common extensor origin for tennis elbow. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. Currently, patients with chronic arthritic and musculoskeletal pain are the most prevalent users of therapeutic cannabis products [30]. Accessibility 2003;31:915920. Shivananda Nayak et al. Transdermal Delivery of Cannabinoids. 2008;90:5261. The efficacy of a new topical treatment for psoriasis: Mirak. This observation highlights a mechanism by which a skin It is possible these nerve fibers are the pain generators in tendinopathy. CB1 is also present in several tissues and organs, including adipose tissue, the gastrointestinal tract, the spinal cord, the adrenal and thyroid glands, liver, reproductive organs and immune cells. Br J Sports Med. A topical transdermal gel containing a proprietary and patent-protected CBD formulation is being developed by Zynerba Pharmaceuticals (Devon, PA, USA) and is currently in clinical development for the treatment of epilepsy, developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, fragile-X syndrome and osteoarthritis [96,97,98]. The authors also demonstrated the potent local activity of CBD as an anti-acne agent. It is applied in topical treatment of plaque psoriasis and acne vulgaris (AV). In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, naprosyn sodium was more effective than placebo but not as effective as a corticosteroid injection in the treatment of shoulder bursitis/tendonitis at 4weeks. Lancet. It is characterised by pain in the absence of a noxious stimulus and may be spontaneous in its temporal characteristics or be evoked by sensory stimuli (hyperalgesia and dynamic mechanical allodynia). Cannabinoids for medical use: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2002;31:366370. Cherniakov I., Izgelov D., Domb A.J., Hoffman A. Chronic lateral epicondylitis: comparative effectiveness of a home exercise program including stretching alone versus stretching supplemented with eccentric or concentric strengthening. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Effect of light pressure stroking massage with sesame (. Vitamin C present in the fibroblasts supports the synthesis of the collagen fibres. Exact focusing of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for calcifying tendinopathy. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy without local anesthesia for chronic lateral epicondylitis. Two systematic reviews have investigated this issue and have concluded ESWT provides little or no benefit in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis [22, 29]. Nanoparticles and innate immunity: New perspectives on host defence. The addition of NO in this model enhances tendon healing suggesting the addition of exogenous NO to an area of tendon damage may promote tendon healing [198]. Ayres S, Jr, Mihan R. Vitamin E and dermatology. Research has shown that Th2-related cytokines (IL-4) exacerbate skin barrier impairment by modifying the keratinocyte differentiation and lipid synthesis of the intercellular compartment of the SC [13,14]. This interferes with the normal formation of the scaffold for new cells to migrate and proliferate in wounded areas [19]. Cathelicidin is one of the inducible antimicrobial peptides and inhibits the growth of Staphylococcal aureus [70]. Research has shown that the topical use of sesame oil might attenuate oxidative stress by inhibiting the production of xanthine oxidase and nitric oxide in rats [90]. Traditionally, argan oil has been utilized in cooking, in the treatment of skin infections, and in skin/hair care products. Drugs Exp Clin Res. [30] The antioxidant supplementation through vitamins E and C and the mineral zinc has been seen to apparently enhance the antioxidant protection against oxidative stress and allow less time for wound healing.

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