kosovo case girl paralyzed

But as today, the willingness to integrate is what really matters. Who can say why we like/are drawn to some things and not others? That America went the way of the hula hoop. Pretty much my entire life history can be read on my comment archive, including where I live now and where Im from. Disclaimers and disclosures aside, lets proceed. Rip into the Anglo-Zionists. Go watch them, the Koreans make good movies. Bandera is not important. And success attracts. No one is asking from them to return this land to the rightful owners or to pay reparations with 1000 of years of compounded interest but, the historical truth must be established and recognized. That of me that still identifies with the world (I told you I am a gradualist) enjoys intellectual debate and focusing on specific, favorite issues. Similarly to K.Marx, who was a Catholic? It was destroyed by cunning, cleverness, and intelligence. (It was taken from https://straty-wojenne.pl/#sec-4671 (II Volume : Photographic Documentation) page 153 ). Probably also bullshit. There is no political solution to these crises of political origin. They cant refute facts of Germans bestiality during WW II so their only defence are personal attacks and repeating a general lies many many many times until opponent will be exhausted. They cant refute many other Germans crimes (concentration lagers, forced labour, forced Germanization of children, forced expropriation, rapes, thefts, terrific medical expermients etc. But isnt that what the ((jew)) and its whore refer to as anti-Semitism? He thinks youre a son of a bitch China tries to avoid conflict. Consider the candidate list. And wheres your complaint about the Katyn forest massacre? Im delighted to read something which offers a much more total perspective of where were at and what we are. Why do you not do business with your local businesses and banks??? When you are unable to get safe drinking water by tap in your own home, when you dont have soap or water purifying tablets and you have no access to health services, you may not survive cholera or other waterborne diseases, said Bruno Maes, Haitis UNICEF representative. Thats the mask they present. If that were the case Bandera and others from Ukraine and others from Estonia and other republics would not have fled to Germany at the end of the war. As we brought emaciated and apathetic children out and laid them on the grass, I believed that few would survive. Another destabilization tool used by the globalists against Germany was weaponized immigration. For inspiring, sponsoring and assisting the genocide by their puppets Croatian Ustashas and killing more than 1.5 million of Serbs with atrocities never seen before in human history. In the process, the Yugoslav government began forcing its remaining German inmates to pay the Yugoslav government money to obtain their release from the camps. The journalist attributed the high mortality among the infants to the complete absence of infant formula and the fact that the majority of nursing mothers were too emaciated to breastfeed their newborns. This was in compliance with the Geneva Accord.. I have seen Japanese themselves make similar claims. They even benefited from the war spoil after the war. There are potentially serious questions on R Solomans output imho. BTW, I am German and am more and more ashamed of my low-life pusillanimous Volk by the minute. Its more Japans fear of Chinese revenge for WWII than any love of the West that keeps them on the plantation. First of all that is a direct attack trying to divide the people from their leaders. Its not the Rothschild Zionist Jews but ALL the Jews that control the USA. Saving the big daddy grand poobah for lastwhats the main reason behind the neocons anti-German plot? She had already warned him and her two other sons not to bathe or wash clothes in the sewage-contaminated waters that ran through a nearby ravine in their neighborhood the only source of water for hundreds in that area. Very best way to put it. I think you are a Jew, and Jews consider WWI and II as one World War extending from 1914 to 1945, with themselves as major players. Modern Romanians consider themselves their descendants. It is even able to force hara-kiri on an economically booming Japan by way of the Plaza Accords. I was just agreeing with Annacat (#163, 174), then was addressed by Slav in an outrageous way, which I tamped down in #208. They seem to be according to common judeo-determined (official) dogma the most blatant racists and anti-Semites imaginable! The increasing demand for help is squeezing Doctors Without Borders and others as they struggle to care for patients with limited fuel. But its really all they have to hang on to, and so they put up with the on-going insult that is Okinawa, and the historical shame of their two cities having been atomic bombed. But given that we live in a world rife with such ignorance, and that at this point in history, we simply do not have the time or the resouces to effectively challenge such culturally hard-wired narratives every time we encounter them, I feel it wise not to throw the baby out with the bath water. My response: I am not German. Germans were mistreated, beaten and stolen from, such as my uncle (a POW) who spent three years in France after the war. The swarm of flies and the unbearable stench did not allow us to stay there longer. Its like when a woman poisons her husband. But Starting to Lose in U.K.? The Yugoslav government took initial steps to wind down its internment operations early in 1947. No peace negotiations allowed. He says that Germany should stop tolerating, but never says how. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. Shitting on Hitler and the victimized Germans isnt going to get us anywhere. Feeling understandably bad about themselves, they conspired to memory-hole understanding these world-shattering events . Maybe he be should be further compensated for that?. These were a parts of German policy to deprive Poles of land and property and colonize Polish area. Had Hitler taken Ayahuasca with a rainforest shaman trip guide, instead of Dr. Feelgood Morells cocaine-amphetamine-B12 injectable cocktails, perhaps events would have unfolded differently.. He missed the boat of building a strong alliance with Russia in the thirties , a policy that had strong advocates among the german establishment of the time, and for good reasons . It will be a cultural universe to keep way from as distantly as possible : there will be less incentive to learn English than to learn Pakistani Urdu or Pashtun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_in_the_German-occupied_Soviet_Union Do Russians know that upwards of 20 million of their own citizens were murdered by their wonderful communist party animals? The American educator has it better- he/she would only get fired and banned for life. If that were the case Bandera and others from Ukraine and others from Estonia and other republics would not have fled to Germany at the end of the war. Now its people, seeing how political freedom in Hong Kong is going down the drain under top-down Chinese rule, dont want to be reabsorbed into China. The Germans have the bad luck of being followed through history by this slavic people who call themselves Poles and of having ended up with them as next-door neighbors. My father fabricated a 2 burner counter top stove for cooking. We all know what money and power can do. Will Afghanistan Turn Out to be US Imperialisms Last Gleaming? I repeat what I said in other topic: Hitler talked a lot against international Jewish capital but served as their tool. I will instead attempt to include a brief overview of a substantial representative portion of the crimes, both real and imagined, that were committed by Germany during the war., Hmm. More tomorrow if theres time. My advice: overcome the fear and take the light wherever you go. lie in a ditch along the road between the villages of Lipsko and Ciepielw, Souvenir photo of the members of Einsatzgruppe who shot twenty Poles Full show coming soon! Break the EU and let them starve. Let who starve? Id like to hear what he would say. Are you saying that even a fraction of these Jews committed acts of bestiality in Poland? @Carolyn Yeager , @Annacat, @Petermx , @John Wear, @HdC and @Arthur MacBride is a herd of German trolls who never talk about reasons why Germans are hated by so many nations. 3. My response: So, I will tell you about some of the things the Czechs did to Germans after World War II. Shit happens. The Preface of the book is good enough brief sketch about White you are looking for. No Rothschild was ever sent to a concentration camp. Reading this article was like watching a cat play with a mouse, tossing it in the air and letting it think it was going to escape, before killing and eating it. I hope you enjoyed the reading #223. In fact, if you watch the Roman Empire map, you can see that the centre of the Empire and its capital were in modern Serbia, that in the last 200 years Serbian Emperors (Diocletian, Constantine, Galerius, etc) were ruling the Empire, that the elite Roman legions were Illyrians that two Serbs became the kings of Illyric (Balkan) and Italy after WRE collapsed, so the real inheritors of the West Roman Empire were Serbs, not Germans. ToI experts break down Israels election results Times of Israel; Study sounds alarm over forever chemicals in pet food RT News (Russian) Biden: saying the same thing louder Hot Air; NYT Poll: Democrats and the Media are a Bigger Threat to The Democracy Than Republicans Granite Grok Richard Solomon writes: The victorious new superpower America was merciful, if only for its interests.. Its such a tragedy that it ended like that. Nazi German invaders deliberately starved, mistreated, mass shootings, illegal executions, withheld medical help from Red Army POWs, deliberately exposed them to freezing, deadly cold, caused deadly epidemics in the POW camps while they (Germans) were squatting on Slavic lands. There was little or no food or medical care in the internment camps, and internees were left to starve to death or perish from rampant disease. They have millennia of shared history and are even physically adapted to living on their cloudy, cold and wet island. Since then, in last 4800 years up to today, they started almost all wars in the world. The dumbest question in the world! Together they ran a big money making gangster enterprise. The admonitions of wise men like George Kennan were ignored . It accomplishes nothing. Germany was the first place to have Wokeness imposed, under the name of denazification. Free speech was OK for the victorious Americans, but must be denied to the Germans, otherwise there was the risk of them becoming Nazis again. Herein one observes the true power of US control of the media aka propaganda. Clearly a tribe that criss-crossed Europe will pick up people along the way if racial purity is your argument. A defensive alliance of countries from Norway and Finland down to Ukraine, or farther, makes good sense, just to keep Russia honest. [98] The war is just one part of it. Thats what centuries of Germans domination did. I think of Tao (Dao) as water flowing downhill and always to where it finds the least resistance. And funny how Rothschild Zionist neocons come in every race these days, from the Scots-Irish yellow ribbon thank you for your service warmongers, to the African-American BLM thugs looting Louis Vuitton boutiques and buying Malibu real estate, to the censorious, toddler-jabbing, pink pussyhat-wearing Covidian cultists, cheering on nonstop Russophobic (racist) fear porn and hate as a distraction from their omnicidal destruction around the globe. How far back into the past are you willing to go? The Ustashas pulled out the intestines from the dismembered entrails and, like New Years ribbons, stretched them under the ceiling and nailed them into the walls! Use of multiple, non-Anonymous handles for commenting on this webzine is strongly discouraged, and your secret (real or fictitious) email allows you to authenticate your commenter-identity, preventing others from assuming it, accidentally or otherwise. The opposite is the truth, Germans aggressively conquered the land from some other people, who founded Berlin, Dresden, Brandenburg, etc and conducted genocides on them. It comes down to Germans tolerating lies or fighting back and standing up for themselves. Instead, we get to work removing ourselves from dependancy on fucking insane systems of despotic control. On the other hand the zionist propaganda against Iran continues. The Cancerous Pathology of Homomania Paves the Way for Pedomania the Vampiricism of Jewish Power and Globo-Homo, Say It!

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