how long will diesel shortage last

All rights reserved. Contact: are unpopular, that doesn't make them false. Biden's attempt to destroy our fossil fuel industry is an impeachable offence, Republicans should start impeachment immediately when they take control. XU: The economy runs on diesel. The increased ability to work remotely is driving a labor shortage in other sectors. But has been allowed to drag on so politicians and big business can make big bucks Stuff the Greens, stuff the planet for a couple of years. Most of the products we use are transported by trucks and trains with diesel engines, and most construction, farming, and military vehicles and equipment also have diesel engines, the EIAs website states. told the New York Post last week. De Haan said the number is a national number, and certain areas of the country have tighter supplies of diesel than others. Oil prices and President Joe Bidens continued draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) have dominated the headlines over the past few weeks, but analysts say a more impactful and serious crisis on the energy front looms: a diesel fuel shortage. And so we're in a situation where supplies are so tight that some terminals on the East Coast have started to run out of fuel. AsBloombergnoted this week, The US has just 25 days of diesel supply, the lowest since 2008, according to the Energy Information Administration. That's because right now, the U.S. is experiencing one of the biggest shortages of diesel since 2008. Another refinery in Canada shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. Last time inventories were that low in mid-October was in 1951. Which is why Americans should view with alarm the unconscionable news reported by industry analysts that we are facing a severe shortage of diesel fuel this winter. XU: Diesel is the fuel of the economy, and it's in just about everything that we use. "In those areas, this is a headache. For example, dairy production is down because of a labor shortage, which leads to a shortage of dairy products like butter just as the American holiday season is beginning to ramp up. And, you know, with winter coming, cooler temperatures coming, this has to be a major concern. Disciplined and highly intelligent Chinese leaders know that the arrogant and craven mediocrities who have assisted China's seamless acquisition, and who baselessly presume their self-importance, not only are unnecessary, but also, are irredeemable amoral liabilities. It does look good from a gas exporters perspective, however. As natural gas demand around the world breaks new records, U.S. shale producers are struggling to keep up with demand. Commenters' email addresses will not be displayed publicly. That email address is already in the database. This is a direct attack on every single American struggling to fill their tanks and heat their homes, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) Geniuses in the Federal Reserve think they can fight inflation by printing more money, which does nothing except cause more inflation. It also became the major US refiner of Canadian oil sands. And then they could also expand these fuel reserves. It may go away, or it could worsen.". Note: Gatestone appreciates your comments. Everyone needs to get out and vote in this and every election to save the country we love. I mean, obviously, it's a campaign issue. "Things just don't get shipped over," Levin-Waldman said. And supplies are going to tighten further over the next few months because Europe is going to pivot away from Russian fuel more so than they have done with their embargo coming in the next few months. This does not bode well for balance in the U.S. gas market. Microsoft is quietly building an Xbox mobile platform and store. Cheating has been made more difficult for ballot-stuffing democrats. People are motivated when the situation hurts too much. Unless we are able to change the direction caused by bad economic policy and---especially---our energy production and distribution, we will sink into a vast ocean of Leftist/Eco-nazi incompetence. Their next step may be a relic of the 1970s energy crisis a ban on oil exports. Dozens of other sectors are struggling to meet demandand the U.S. has experienced shortages ranging from employees to medications to parts needed for U.S. defense contractors' weapons. While current refining capacity is one of the reasons why there is a pending energy crunch, we need to recognize that the White House has aggressively sought to fulfill their political pledge to curtail new oil and gas drilling. Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, agrees. A similar effort should be made for New England, a group of governors from New England wrote in a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm this summer, per a Financial Times report. Will Sour Biden up and declare that we deserve the hardships because we won't support what his minions think is good for US?Or will he simply be absent when the shit hits the fan? The Biden Administration is the epitome of incompetence and stupidity. MARTIN: Let's just finish where we started, talking about diesel. Outrageously, Bidenthinks he can cure the government-caused crisis by issuing yet another Presidential "executive order." What Happens During a Diesel Fuel Shortage? This is causing a boom (with associated volatility) in agriculture stocks. China still implements a zero-COVID policy, leading to communities being locked down for weeks or months until the virus fades, which can cause a backlog of orders for certain materials and products. Copyright 2022 Gatestone Institute. At $5.324 a gallon, theyre 50% higher than this time last year, according to AAA data. Start Trading CFDs Over 2,200 Different Instruments, Ukrainians Face Weeks Of Emergency Energy Shutdowns, The Federal Reserve's increasingly hawkish. And she is with us now. People are unable to fill up their tanks. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. Very cyclical commodity so any collapse in say ahem *"merely the entire US Housing Market"* ahem as well as soaring borrowing costs For All the Things will hit demand for natural gas in the USA very hard. Currently, there are only 25 days of supply left, and that number is dropping fast. Or in lieu of that, a mushroom cloud here and there.If Red China does invade, the only recourse we would have is to go nuclear. We are already seeing the inflationary changes in food and other prices that have been caused by the basic inflation in what it costs to transport parts required to manufacture final products and again to transport the final products to markets. Copyright 2022 [your]NEWS Media Group, Inc | Send comments, questions or complaints to: [emailprotected] | Site by KO | Beta v3.01, Copyright 2022 [your]NEWS Media Group, Inc, Send comments, questions orcomplaints to: [emailprotected]. The U.S. diesel shortage is worsening as distillate inventories crash to multi-year lows. Most remote villages inAlaskause diesel generators as the primary source of electricity. All rights reserved. The two most destructive policies this administration pursues are intentional and purposeful: (1) eradication of the U.S. border coupled with an open invitation to the entire world to enter the U.S. unlawfully and receive lavish life-time benefits at the nonconsensual expense of those diminishing American taxpayers who have not yet been fully displaced by these illegal aliens; and (2) elimination of the extraction, preparation, consumption and use of all fossil fuels, including, diesel fuel and its distillates, jet fuel and kerosene. We could get to $10 or $12 and if you have a cool August, then you could be down below $8 again, he said at the time. When reports of a diesel supply shortage began making headlines last week, panic ensued as people wondered what would happen to the U.S. economy if supply continued to fall. While this is happening at home, demand for gas continues strong across the globe, too, as everyone seeks to stock up on fuel for the winter. Not the fossil fuel, but the left and green policies and the so called renewable energy sources are the danger. Mr Kadish, your article here did something none other has. Wholesale diesel prices at the New York spot market have spiked this week to more than $200 per barrel. How Influential Will Chinese Crude Imports Be On Oil Prices This Winter? What exactly is diesel, and why is it so important as an energy source? A top Biden adviser, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, told Bloomberg News last week that current diesel levels are unacceptably low and that all options are on the table to increase supplies. That's right, diesel runs everything from farming to almost the entire industrial logistics network to retail deliveries. Excellent, Mike. Last year, many truck stops had to limit the fuel each customer purchased. U.S. energy companies are exporting liquefied natural gas at record rates. De Haan said diesel challenges are more likely to affect New England, the northeast and the mid-Atlantic more than other areas in the country. Should it hold up long term, a lack of resources could hamper the CFPBs pledge to supervise a broader group of fintech businesses. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) expected the global demand to rise 100.8 million barrels per day in 2022, while daily production only increased 400,000 barrels. And diesel is so deeply embedded in American life that its consumption is often seen as a barometer of the country's overall economic activity. Even if you don't use diesel yourself, you're obviously affected by it, right? The decline would come as a result of rising local gas production, the EIA noted. They noted something few other analysts tend to mention: the concentration of much of U.S. gas production in a handful of fields, with just twoMarcellus and Haynesvilleaccounting for as much as 40 percent of the total. Think of the other industry segments (agriculture, construction, mining, trains, etc.) MARTIN: So I can imagine that this is a very difficult issue for the Biden administration. And particularly on the East Coast, where supply is tightest and most reliant on foreign imports, the risk of actually running out of fuel is higher than ever because stockpiles in the region have been at record lows since April for diesel and a decade low for gasoline. Realistically, the transition will require years to plan/decades to implement this massive transition. They are not incompetent and stupid. Without diesel fuel the entire edifice grinds to a halt. ": The Persecution of Christians, September 2022, Germany Selling Critical Infrastructure to China, The Danger of a "Sleeping" Nuclear Deal: Stronger Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Palestinians Vote For Terrorists, Then Claim Israelis Are 'Extremists'. Not only do the higher oil prices mean that transporting goods will cost more, but there will also be long lines at the truck stops. Our monetization model empowers Citizen Journalists to report the news in local and national markets. Let's hope for some good results in the mid-term election. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. He also added there were no signs of any improvement in the level of inventories despite the rise in prices. Editorial: Of course Schwab doesn't provide a speck of common sense, facts or history here, nor does he provide any explanation as to his so-called "reasoning.", Valerie Tytel (@ValerieTytel) October 19, 2022. Will this one be clouded in suspicion? In China, the second-largest user of diesel after the US, is also experiencing fuel supply issues. Costs for fertilizer raw materials other than oil, such as potash, have been increasing as increased production of staples increases demand. She covers the oil industry, particularly refined products, for Bloomberg News. So let me pivot to gasoline prices now, because, you know, this summer, we saw such an uptick. A large refinery also will soon open in Nigeria to cushion supplies of imported oil. Let's not forget that most of the US military's supply chain (all land vehicles for transporting freight and munitions) runs on diesel fuel. Oil prices and President Joe Bidens continued draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) have dominated the headlines over the past few weeks, but analysts say a more impactful and serious crisis on the energy front looms: a diesel fuel shortage. The United States is experiencing a diesel shortage, particularly on the East Coast, as a result of multi-year low stockpiles and supply bottlenecks with reports suggesting that only 25 days of fuel is left in the nation's fuel bank. There's a big difference between the price of gasoline and diesel. MARTIN: That was Bloomberg reporter Chunzi Xu. "It tells us if refineries are able to keep up with supply or if demand exceeds supply," he said. The average price for a gallon of diesel stands at around $5.33 nationwide, or up nearly $2 since the same time in 2021, the data shows. Ford, and the F-150 in particular, has been hit hard by the global microchip shortage, and sales fell 8 percent compared with last year. Along with creating a crunch in those positions, workforce shortages can contribute to shortages in other areas. And this matters even if you don't use diesel yourself, because it's an essential part of the supply chain. It was almost like we were - people were talking about it all the time. So critics say that an export ban could backfire and actually drive up pump prices in areas of the country. In diesel's case, dwindling U.S. supplies are exacerbated by a ban on Russian imports. So what will it mean if things continue like this? "It's a number that moves very slowly. Last week, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that distillate inventories were at their lowest levels since 2008. The average price for a gallon of diesel stands at around $5.33 nationwide, or up nearly $2 since the same time in 2021, the data shows. While natural gas prices in the United States fell after a railway strike was averted last week, it looks likely that prices both at home and abroad will spike this winter. Head of Petroleum Analysis at GasBuddy Patrick De Haan said the numbers of days remaining were taken out of context and meant for analysts to interpret rather than the general public. We have seen labor shortages across the board in a number of industries," Wowak told Newsweek. "There is nothing Biden can do short of going to the refineries to work there himself," De Haan said. Now, after draining our emergency reserves to a 40-year low, Democrats want billions more of taxpayer dollars to refill the [Strategic Petroleum Reserve] at more than double the price. And in the short term, we've also had a pretty heavy refinery maintenance season that's cut into both domestic production and imports from overseas. Understandably, we have been focused on the price of gasoline, but it is diesel that actually runs America. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. It appears that the "administration" plan to bring America to her knees will work. So right now, the price increase is directly tied to the tight supplies, and that's even happening when oil prices have come off. Many industrial facilities, large buildings, institutional facilities, hospitals, and electric utilities have diesel generators for backup and emergency power supply. How long did the 2000 fuel shortage last? The use of diesel in turbine aircraft is usually allowed and there are performance charts included in operating manuals to calculate differences.If you want to see a logistics supply system cease to work, start limiting our cargo carriers. As the shortage of truck drivers continues, there may be a real threat of a gasoline shortage as well. Here's what to think about before sharing news, 100 years after unearthing King Tut's tomb, archaeologists make new discoveries, Inflation is top issue in this week's midterms, Adrienne Kennedy (305)-995-2256, FRIENDS OF WLRN, INC. AS MEDIA MANAGER OF WLRN PUBLIC MEDIA. Longer submissions are unlikely to be published. All supporters of WEF. Diesel fuel powers most of the farm and construction equipment in the United States. Another contributor is the lack of alternative sources of electricity generation: coal plants are being retired, and droughts in many parts of the country have compromised its hydropower capacity, the Reuters analyst also noted. In short, yes there is a fuel shortage in the UK, with diesel particularly badly affected. 0. Democrats fret about the price of gas yet remain hostile to domestic production. The first policy aims at achieving long-term permanent destruction, the second policy aims at short-term immediate destruction, a necessary step to the long-term permanent destruction. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute. Thanks! What's going to happen? Why this shortage? Nov 8, 2022 | Featured, Politics, Top Stories, U.S. A 1983 interview shared by government whistleblower Edward Snowden where a CIA agent candidly explains how intelligence agencies use mainstream media to propagandize the public. If you have stored the diesel in a sealed container indoors or it is in a vehicle tank, it will last 6 months with no treatment. How do we collectively stop them ? Maybe they have had it too good for too long! from a few years ago when gas was cheap because it was abundant. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. In 2021,distillate fuel consumption by the U.S. transportation sector, which is essentially diesel fuel, was about 46.82 billion gallons (1.11 billion barrels), an average of about 128 million gallons per day. sentence of 25 years to life. Meanwhile, on the demand side, electricity generation in the United States is seen reaching a record high this year, Kemp noted in his column, driven by the post-pandemic economic rebound. On the contrary, the latest figures suggest more financial pain for gas consumers. That's because right now, the U.S. is experiencing one of the biggest shortages of diesel since 2008. And that could help the region in a pinch. These policies are specifically intended to destroy both the U.S. form of government the world's only Constitutional representative democracy that expressly guarantees fundamental freedoms and the U.S. economy. The Democrats need to be decimated in the House and the Senate or they take it the citizens are happy with what they are doing and the suffering they wort will only get worse. I.e., it means we will all be poor, but happy. Severe drought conditions also have decreased the supply of rice, winter wheat, tomatoes and olive oil, according to a recent report by Money Talks News. Levin-Waldman said midterm elections aren't likely to influence most shortages Americans are experiencing, as candidates are debating topics like inflation and economy but not so much the underlying issues contributing to those topics. Deese said diesel inventories are unacceptably low and added that all options are on the table, whatever that means. Are they responding to this, and if so, how? At the same time, the four-week rolling average of distillates supplied, a proxy for demand, rose to its highest seasonal level since 2007.. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Remember what happened to a certain French woman when she said "let them eat cake"? My assumption is correct there? So for that, we have to go back to the early days of the pandemic. For example, they could release 1 million barrels of fuel of gasoline and diesel each from emergency reserves in the northeast. Reuters John Kemp wrote in a recent column that domestic and international gas consumption had risen to record highs, and shale producersthe ones that account for the bulk of U.S. natural gas outputwere having a hard time catching up with this demand. From trucks and tanks to cargo and fighter aircraft. Is that accurate? Oil production cut: Are the US and Saudi Arabia on a damaging collision course? Schwab has as much credibility as Greta Thunberg. Chunzi Xu, thank you so much for talking with us. November 3, 2022 at 12:30 pm, If the Biden Administration is allowed to proceed, our enemies, and their enablers, would find a seriously damaged America, the victim of a self-inflicted wound threatening our future. How is it that the Biden Administration continues to buckle to a Progressive agenda that has prevented us from accessing the energy that resides within our borders? Los Angeles County Sued For Vaccine Mandate, Orange County Declares Health Emergency, China Calls for Climate Aid for Poor Nations, Bay Area Residents Call For Release of Persecuted Family Members Imprisoned In China, Colts Fire Head Coach Reich After 3-5-1 Start. If a foreign enemy had attacked America with everything they had, it would be the same actions that Biden took. Prices, meanwhile, remain relatively elevated, according to AAA data. Not to mention that parts of the U.S. on the East Coast and West Coast do rely on international imports that will become more expensive. Fred Smith of FedEx recently said 20% of GDP is carried this way.Then, turn your attention to our military. Concerns, KeystoneXL Pipeline Couldve Weakened OPEC's Bargaining Position, Guyanas Offshore Drilling Bonanza Is Just Getting Started. In an era when we may be thirty days from a severe diesel shortage that can further rob our nation of its global leadership, the president's actions may be literally cold comfort for many Americans and our economy. They have not given any indication that they understand the importance fossil fuel and diesel fuel in particular. Real time Microsoft (MSFT) stock price quote, stock graph, news & analysis. The cabal's orders are now delivered directly into Western "democracies" via the the cabal's appointed "central command", the World Economic Forum. Erica, I totally agree. There is a war going on, one which should have been won by Ukraine months ago. "When you're low on labor, sometimes production capacity decreases because you don't have people in all the stations, so that can contribute to supply shortage.". And that has created a shortfall in the ability to make gasoline and diesel at a time of resurgent demand. Possible to Have Free Speech and No Disinformation? Currently, there are only 25 days of supply left, and that number is dropping fast. You know, it was a big story. XU: Yeah, prices have eased from record highs this May and June, but they are still much higher than they were a year ago and very high for election season. The last straw may have been comments Cross made as a guest on Charlamagne Tha God's Hell of a Week show on Thursday, sources told the New York Post. PublishedOctober 29, 2022 at 4:54 PM EDT, The Untold Story of America's First Media Mogul, Election Day is coming. Unfortunately the left and green politicians in the whole Free World artificially create energy shortages and energy insecurity. America's overbearing administrative state, filled to the brim as it is with environmentalist fanatics, has strangled US oil refining capacity for decades. That sort of price increase affects everything along the supply chain that involves electricity produced using gas, sending ripples across the economy. The military is rendered impotent. 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The massive BP refinery in Whiting, Indiana [3rd largest refinery in the US] is operating at less than 40% capacity. It remains deeply troubling to see those corporate billionaires who hold American citizenship consider how their Chinese multimillion dollar markets will react to American foreign policy -- and then offer domestic political donations with an eye on placating places like Beijing. It is a deliberate plan. This could divert a lot of that Gulf Coast production toward the East Coast, but will almost certainly drive up international prices and hurt our allies in Europe and Latin America. Data provided by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) show that diesel stockpiles are at their lowest level for October in records dating back to 1993, according to a Bloomberg News analysis. In other cases, weather and outbreaks of avian flu have impacted the supply of potatoes and turkeys, respectively. XU: Yeah, that is accurate. Farming and heating also relies on diesel. Diesel fuel also has a greater energy density than other liquid fuels, so it provides more useful energy per unit of volume.. Gatestone also reserves the right to edit comments for length, clarity and grammar, or to conform to these guidelines. learned there was less than a month of diesel supply left in storage, Dozens of other sectors are struggling to meet demand, dwindling U.S. supplies are exacerbated by a ban on Russian imports, The Democratic Party Should Set Higher Standards | Opinion, The Democratic Party is Becoming Less Inclusive | Opinion. Including the National Guard. Is worsening as distillate inventories crash to multi-year lows there 's a big difference between price! Have impacted the supply chain with US funding of government election offices has since been made more for! To skyrocketing prices as U.S. refineries struggle to keep up with supply or if demand supply '' > Storing diesel other industry segments ( agriculture, construction, mining, trains, etc )! 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