how inversion will affect the dispersion of pollutants

As a normal practice for microclimate simulation, the geometric resolution of 3m has been suggested for the pixels of digital data base (Herold, Menz, & Clarke, 2001). Further, this study considered the effect of a single weather variable on short-term energy demand modeling. Hazardous Materials Response Teams (HMRTs). The World Health Organization (WHO) has a recommended level of 10 g/m, so with this figure, it can be seen that the level in Chilliwack was over 21 times the recommended safe level, although no level of pollution is thought of as being safe. Topics include research methods in socioecodynamics, human responses to change in different sociopolitical and economic contexts, and lessons from the past that can inform the present. Our Watch Standers have been trained to ask specific questions for such reports and will immediately pass the information to the proper agencies for response. The approach is inquiry-based, combining classroom and experiential learning to build critical and quantitative thinking and research insights and abilities. A chemical or physical agent that encourages cells to develop cancer. You may learn from this category of information if the material has an odor (and at what level the odor becomes noticeable), the color of the material, and other items about the materials behavior. Their standards are required to be at least as stringent as the Federal regulations. Socially relevant issues concerning water use and contamination will be covered. These emissions raise air pollution levels throughout the Bay Area, whose overall air quality trends are greatly affected by the geographical basin that characterizes the region. SIO 109. When emergency exercises are conducted, FEMA Regional officials provide support by reviewing the plans, observing exercises to test the plans, and providing technical evaluation of how well the plans worked. Submitted to Scripps Steering Committee, and had approved, an honors thesis research proposal. If a carpenter used a stripper regularly and breathed in a little of it 8 hours a day for 40 years, a chronic exposure would result. Les biocarburants durables pourraient apporter une attnuation supplmentaire court et moyen termes. Wounds or abrasions (even minor injuries caused by shaving or by chemical depilation) present areas which are more permeable than intact skin. On the contrary, winter heating demand might be reduced from 3% to 45% (Li et al., 2019). Mathematical methods will be presented to reinforce the scientific concepts. SIOC 215A. The stale air of an inversion allows for the buildup of pollutants created by vehicles factories fireplaces and wildfires. A citizen with a home computer and a modem can access the national database on the National Library of Medicines computer system for a nominal fee. SIO 192. The variation between estimates from different studies illustrates that they are by no means definitive. Prerequisites: SIOG 227A or SIO 227A and SIOG 227B or SIO 227B or consent of instructor. The air quality is altered by the input of wastes from urban activities. This layer is mainly composed of extremely low densities of hydrogen, helium FSN: 537-7093 Topics covered will include wave shoaling, shoaling and breaking, radiation stress and vortex force formalisms, wave setup, wave driven currents in the surf zone and inner shelf, undertow, infragravity waves, basics of sediment transport, and transport and mixing. Prerequisites: MAE 294A or SIOC 203A or SIO 203A or consent of instructor. In general, the term UHI is most often used to describe the difference between air temperatures in the canopy layer between the urban and nonurbanized surrounding areas but other definitions exist (Voogt and Oke, 2003). The course will explore cutting-edge techniques as it applies to genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and the bioinformatics needed to analyze such data sets. Phone: (214) 665-2200 The NFPA 704 label is diamond-shaped, and is The TLV is the recommended level set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Review of Written Safety and Health Program, The employers standard operating procedures for safety and health; and. Local fire departments responsible for servicing these companies keep records of their inspections, responses, and calls to these facilities. 2100 2nd Street, S.W. Also geodetic system, geodetic reference datum, or geodetic reference system. SIOC 293. Ecological Developmental Biology (4). However, local distortions in the wind field are not homogeneous: in some areas, the wind speed is attenuated, while in other areas it is increased, because of induced turbulence (energy dissipation) or wind channelling (Venturi effect) (Tsang et al., 2012). The SIO Department offers graduate courses across three broad curricular areas: Graduate courses are organized under the following course prefixes: SIOC 200A. This seminar studies the dynamics of climate change and human responses through time. Under SARA, the Secretary of Labor was directed to issue a final standard to protect the health and safety of employees engaged in hazardous waste operations. La MGP interdira les vhicules Crit'Air 4 en zone dense en 2021 et rattrapera le calendrier de la Mairie de Paris en 2022, avec l'interdiction des vhicules Crit'Air 3. Teaches ship/deck skills, sensor and mooring preparation, cruise planning/execution, data analysis, cruise-report preparation. (312) 408-5500 Stay tuned to your radio for updates on the situation, evacuation routes, and alternative routes for traffic. May be taken for credit two times. (303) 235-4929 (Training Office) If you believe you may be contaminated and medical assistance is not immediately available, remove all of your clothing, shower thoroughly, don fresh loose warm clothing, and seek medical help. Prerequisites: ANTH 3 and SIO 50 or consent of instructor. Health effects corresponding to a given dose are established by epidemiological research. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences III (4). Even rural areas face hazardous materials problems. MSDSs are used to fulfill part of the hazardous chemical inventory reporting requirements under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. Les poussires dorigine routire forment dans lair un mlange complexe de particules mtalliques, minrales et biologiques, toxiques et pathognes pour certaines. Inversion is one of the atmospheric phenomena that Bending the Curve Online: Climate Change Solutions (4). (For additional information on accessible computer databases, see Computer Networks Open to the Public in the Resources section later in this course.). SIOG 200A. Ses effets sont complexes et incertains sur le moyen et long termes, mais on observe dj, entre autres, des effets de barrires cologique, d'insularisation copaysagre (diminution de la taille et du nombre des taches de nature, et augmentation des distances entre ces taches),etc. Secondhand smoke can contain over 7,000 chemicals, including ammonia and carbon monoxide. A key area of emphasis will be the impact of volcanism on human societies. The comparative evolution, morphology, physiology, and ecology of fishes. Beneath the threshold, the dose is so small that no harmful effect will occur. There will be one mandatory weekend field trip to Anza Borrego State Park. Fundamentals of Gravity and Geodesy (4), Introduction to potential theory with applications to gravity and geodesy. Also jhoom cultivation or slash-and-burn agriculture. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Geochim Cosmoc him Acta 59:12171232 (. Introduction to teaching earth sciences class section in a lower-division class, hold office hours, assist with examinations. One or more field trips. Some chemicals are volatile, meaning that they evaporate easily. The second system is the DOTs System for identifying, marking, labeling, and placarding HazMat during the transportation of these materials. The information must be entered on or be with the shipping document. This course explores how the physical principles of solids and fluids underlay the functional morphology, ecology, and adaptations of all living things, with emphasis on marine organisms. You should become familiar with these individuals and attend hazardous materials training programs when they are offered within your State. Totally encapsulating chemical protective suit. Independent reading or research on a problem by special arrangement with a faculty member. It is extremely important to know the specific provisions of environmental law for your particular State. An introduction to geologic time and the history of the Earth. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The four-digit ID Number may be shown on the diamond-shaped placard or on an adjacent orange panel displayed next to the placard on the ends and sides of a cargo tank, vehicle, or rail car. This course provides an introductory look at physical principles governing ocean currents and atmospheric flow. Students will learn in detail about the volcanoes of Europe, including their geologic origins, eruptive styles, and histories. Students will learn the properties of chemicals in the environment and survey the biological mechanisms that determine their accumulation and toxicity. Varying by topic quarterly, this class is given each quarter and may be repeated. In this course we will learn how plate tectonics works. The operating costs can be highbut so are the costs of a mismanaged incident. Air pollution in Cupertino is largely anthropogenic, meaning that it comes from human activity. How long does the exposure to the chemical last? The person in charge of on-scene coordination of a response to an incident, usually a senior officer in a fire department. Hazardous chemicals can enter the atmosphere from a point source (such as an industrial stack), or from an area source (such as the evaporation of volatile compounds from hazardous waste sites). For most substances, agency experts extrapolate conservatively from the NOAEL to set exposure limits for humans. The study of the adverse effects of chemicals on biological systems, and the assessment of the probability of their occurrence. Most flammable liquids are lighter than water. This movement is partly attributable to the irregular surfaces of small and tall buildings, and hot and cold spots created by contrasting materials (asphalt or concrete vs. grassy park areas). Pourtant, larticle de lOMS vis se rapporte la pollution atmosphrique particulaire en gnral, sans citer ni la France, ni les 42000morts, ni les moteurs Diesel en particulier. Lentretien concerne notamment le remplacement de: la Batterie au plomb, (une batterie est hautement toxique), des pneumatiques, de l'huile moteur, du liquide des circuits de refroidissement et de freinage, du filtre huile et des filtres air, des balais d'essuie-glace, des plaquettes de frein, des ampoules. .mw-parser-output .hatnote{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output div.hatnote{padding-left:1.6em;margin-bottom:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .hatnote i{font-style:normal}.mw-parser-output .hatnote+link+.hatnote{margin-top:-0.5em}Also amphidrome and tidal node. Conceptual flowchart of the effects of urbanisation on the radiation, energy balance and local climate. (312) 353-7774 FAX, Region 7 Le rapport prcise que les politiques d'urbanisme (densit d'occupation du sol, organisation territoriale, connectivit et accessibilit) et d'incitation changer de modes de transport permettraient de rduire les missions de GES dans les pays dvelopps et de les stabiliser dans les pays en dveloppement. (S/U grades permitted. Example. Drivers must keep shipping papers on the seat next to them within arms reach or in the drivers side door. Time domain methods. NOAASuperfund Program Coordinator An oral presentation on a current research topic is required. Chamblee Building 30S (P/NP grades only.) SIO 180. Les objectifs proposs en mai 2018 par la Commission europenne taient de -15% en 2025 et -30% en 2030[147]. Cette pollution a des effets diffrs, moyen et long termes[3]. SIOC 207C. As additional officials with higher rank arrive on the scene, they may assume the Incident Commander role. SIOC 201. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY: Any incident, activity or behavior that you deem to be activity of a suspicious nature should be reported to the NRC by calling 1-877-24-WATCH or 1-800-424-8802. Topics vary from the history of natural products to the organic chemistry of terpenes, alkaloids, acetogenins, and other natural product classes. SIOC 215C. Un article (+ vido) dun journaliste charg de la , Impact environnemental du transport routier, Dans de trs nombreux pays (mais pas en France), llectrification du parc ne [ferait] que dplacer le problme, puisque lon a indirectement recours au charbon et au gaz des centrales lectriques au lieu dune utilisation directe de ptrole, avec une lectricit majoritairement nuclaire, comme en France, ou base dnergies renouvelables, le bilan carbone de la voiture lectrique est largement favorable, famille de molcules mutagnes mises en cause dans la pollution acide, Particules (des suies aux nanoparticules), dure des missions de dmarrage froid (sur environ 6 km), le comportement des conducteurs et le type de polluant considr. Topics include symmetry, crystal structure, chemical, and physical properties of minerals with special emphasis on the common rock-forming minerals. SIOC 200C. If a material that is flammable also has a low boiling point, a special fire hazard exists. Fax: (303) 235-4857, Region X The course focuses on estuarine and coastal physical dynamics and biogeochemical/ecosystem impacts. Dans les annes 1970, on le retrouvait de mme que du cadmium, du zinc et du nickel notamment dans les vers de terre vivant en bord de route[81]. Presents modern ideas and descriptions of the physical, chemical, biological, and geological aspects of oceanography, and considers the interactions between these aspects. The course teaches practical knowledge of oceanographic methods, sensors, and platforms, with a focus on physical observations. Kansas City, Missouri 64108-2670 dplacer vers la barre latrale HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLANNING GUIDE. Nongraduate students may enroll with consent of instructor. May be taken for credit eighteen times. SIOB 242A. En zone trs pollue, des expositions brves (quelques minutes moins d'une heure) suffisent dclencher des effets sub-cliniques[193] Environmental Protection Agency Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. [9] Stewart I. The law is primarily designed to address point sources of pollution, paying far less attention to non-point sources such as agricultural runoff (currently estimated to be responsible for 65% of stream pollution). Cross-listed with PHYS 111. JFK Federal Building, Room E340 Lecture and laboratory course emphasizing the biology, ecology and taxonomy of marine plants and seaweeds. Prerequisites: SIO 50, CHEM 6A-B-C, or consent of instructor. Generally, the terms acute and chronic are used to delineate between effects on the basis of severity or duration. Prerequisites: graduate standing and SIOC 215A or SIO 215A or consent of instructor. Son lectricit prsente une faible empreinte carbone du fait de la part importante de l'nergie nuclaire dans le mix lectrique[45]. Light absorption and scattering by seawater constituents. Marine Science, Economics, and Policy (4), This course investigates global issues in marine conservation and potential policy solutions. La consommation moyenne des vhicules neufs diminue de 0,1 litre par an depuis 1995, pour atteindre en 2005 environ (152gCO2eq/km en 2005), mais tous les vhicules n'tant pas neufs, un vhicule en circulation mettait en 2004 une moyenne de 208grammes-quivalent (geq) CO2/km, selon l'IFEN, en France. Urban effects are superimposed on the regional and global climate, thus the climate of cities in the future has to be considered in light of global climate changes. Computers are used in the geosciences to understand complex natural systems. SIO 147. Students will practice scientific research and communication skills. Figure6.2. Geological Field Methods for Geophysicists (1). An interactive overview of statistical methods, focusing on approaches common within the life sciences. Topics include formation and differentiation of the Earth, linkages between the solid Earth and the atmosphere/hydrosphere, and isotope and trace element composition of igneous and metamorphic rocks. A special emphasis will be placed on sea ice as a habitat archetype, but glacier, snow, and permafrost will also be covered. Weather tends to be warmer in Cupertino than in northern parts of the valley towards San Francisco and Oakland especially during the late summer and fall when high-pressure systems in the American Southwest reduce fog concentrations that typically cool the California coast year-round.2 This effect can cause Cupertino to experience more frequent ozone events than other Bay Area cities, as heat (particularly above 84F) is necessary for ozone to form and increasingly higher temperatures accelerate ozone formation. Each specific route a chemical might travel from a source to a receptor is called an exposure pathway. Direct: 202-267-2675 The rating of individual chemicals can be found in the NFPA Guide to Hazardous Materials. Other references such as the National Safety Councils Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene contain the NFPA ratings for specific materials. Phone: (215) 814-5000 Enrollment is limited to twenty students, with preference given to seniors. When it rains, contaminated runoff from the soil can enter a stream. Historically, records on air quality were kept from 2019 when the figure was noted to be 6.6 g/m. If you believe a problem exists in your community that should be addressed by an existing law, begin with research on the law and its specific provisions, working through the responsible government agency. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances. The LEPC also collects and stores information from hazardous materials facilities, and makes that information available to the public. An independent project and presentation are required. Par exemple, aprs 45 jours de travail aux carrefours routiers d'Alexandrie, les agents, compars un groupe d'ouvriers du textile du mme ge et de mme niveaux d'enseignement prsentaient des plombmies trs leves, et des rsultats moins bons aux tests psychomoteurs (dans cette tude la plombmie moyenne de ces agents tait de 68,28 13,22g/dl (soit plus de deux fois le taux maximal acceptable qui cette poque et dans ce pays tait fix 30,00g/dl[158]). An accidental release of these materials presents a potential danger to the public and the environment. SIOC 228. Washington, DC 20301-8000 Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. : Relationship between environmental exposures in children and adult lung disease: The case for outdoor exposures; Chronic Respiratory Disease, August 2010; vol. The term refers to air pollution that forms when gases from many sources are released into the air and chemically react with each other in sunlight. Outre des impacts directs tels que la mortalit animale par collision avec les vhicules, les transports motoriss ont des impacts indirects (via les routes, la fragmentation cologique et la pollution, dont la pollution lumineuse, les polluants mis lors des incendies de vhicules, ou certains accidents routiers) sur l'environnement. Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Prerequisites: SIO 50 and SIO 120 or consent of instructor. Depending on the substance and the condition of the skin, the contaminant might also be absorbed through the skin and poison the body. UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230,, Geosciences of Earth, Oceans, and Planets (GEO). Origine et devenir des mtaux traces et des polluants organiques Ph.D. Thesis, universit de Poitiers, France. Les gaz d'chappement des moteurs Diesel sont dsormais classs parmi les cancrognes certains pour les humains par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC/IARC), l'agence pour le cancer de l'Organisation mondiale de la sant[77]. masquer. ), SIOG 244. Also called the Magnetic South Pole or Magnetic South. (Cross-listed with POLI 117). During later summer and fall 2020, a historic wildfire season elevated Cupertino air pollution levels to unhealthy and worse, similarly impacting much of the northern part of California during that year, Northern California cities frequently ranked among the top ten most polluted cities in the world.11. But sometimes by moving the polluted air, it merely moves the problem to another area. ), SIOG 200B. This Global Seminar course will provide an introduction to planet Earth and the processes that shape it. With a good, strong wind, air pollutants are dispersed more rapidly; when the air is calm, contaminant concentration increases. Federal Regional Center Ask to see the plan, and review it for notification requirements to the community during an emergency. Through experiments, scientists try to establish the particular dosage of chemical (in mass per kilogram of body weight) that will result in the death of half the test animals: that is the Lethal Dose for 50% or LD50. des hydrocarbures et corps gras perdus par les moteurs; des suies contenant aussi des hydrocarbures et mtaux perdus par les pots dchappement. (2003) 18(5): 1055-1061 doi:10.1093/humrep/deg226; Brook R, Rajagopalan S, Pope A, Brook JR, Bhatnagar A, Diez-Roux AV, et al. Solar radiation and elements of atmospheric optics. Ces dernires proviennent notamment de la dgradation du substrat routier (usure due au roulement) ou des bas-cts, mais aussi de lusure des pneus. Prerequisites: SIO 134 or consent of instructor. You might only add to the problem. Provides an overview of methods, theories, and practice of marine archaeology includingenvironmental characteristics of coastal and underwater settings; the nature of ports, navigation, maritime culture, submerged landscapes, shipbuilding; methods of research in underwater settings; and legislative issues regarding underwater and coastal heritage. Through several examples in various countries and climates, the application of GI in different forms (parks, street trees, green roofs, and green walls) and WSUD approaches were investigated and ranked as the most effective strategies in mitigating the increased urban air temperature. Introduction to Computing at SIO (4), Introduction to the SIO computing environment and common software tools in geophysics and other disciplines. DOD manufactures, tests, and discards the full range of hazardous materials. Global Tectonics and Basin Formation (4). (P/NP grades only.). Ces taux sont trs suprieurs ceux du sol naturel puisque labondance des mtaux du groupe du platine dans la crote terrestre est trs basse, infrieure 1ng/g[141],[142]) et ils taient les plus levs dans les chantillons de poussire des carrefours et prs des feux de circulation et l o le trafic est important et irrgulier (par rapport aux voies faiblement circules[138]. In this regard, it seems necessary and important for urban management authorities to preserve vegetation and green space in urban areas as an important variable for moderating weather conditions. ), SIOG 270. Observe all posted exclusion zones, and listen for public announcements on the radio or other local information system. Principles of stratigraphy and structural geology applicable to field geologic studies. Topics include seismology, the gravity and magnetic fields, high-pressure geophysics, and concepts in geodynamics. associant ces informations des rfrences, Agence franaise de scurit sanitaire de l'environnement et du travail, mortalit animale par collision avec les vhicules, Nodule polymtallique: Impact sur l'environnement, comobilit: nergies dans les vhicules, Production d'lectricit: Enjeux environnementaux, Fdration nationale des associations d'usagers des transports, Centre international de recherche sur le cancer, normes europennes de limitation de la pollution, procdure d'essai mondiale harmonise pour les voitures particulires et vhicules utilitaires lgers, Fdration europenne pour le transport et l'environnement, introduction de nouvelles entits dans l'environnement, rserve de biosphre transfrontire des Vosges du Nord-Pflzerwald, Centre scientifique et technique du btiment, Sport utility vehicle#Consommation et missions de gaz effet de serre, Les pneumatiques automobiles et la pollution, Annual European Community LRTAP Convention emission inventory report 19902006 Impact sanitaire de la pollution atmosphrique urbaine, Effects of roads on wildlife in an intensively modified landscape. When you work with chemicals, it is particularly important never to put your hand to your eye. [16], List of definitions of terms and concepts related to geography. Students will be expected to do a writing sample in the form of an abstract or fellowship proposal. Local communities, represented by LEPCs, are responsible for developing an emergency plan for disasters involving hazardous substances. Program or materials fees may apply. Some State and local areas offer programs to help the public identify hazardous materials problems. Students must qualify to take the SIO dive course. Pourtant bien que plus exposs, les tudes ne montrent pas clairement de risque accru d'inflammation bronchique chez les cyclistes, peut tre en raison du caractre sportif de cette activit, laissant penser que les avantages l'emportent sur les inconvnients en matire de sant[198]. (A sample SDS is found at the end of this unit; refer to it when reading this section.). The Ct is a measure of exposure to a vapor or aerosol. Introduction to Marine Biodiversity and ConservationLab (8). Fax: (816) 283-7093, Region IX The Archaeology of Climate ChangeSocial Adaptation and Vulnerability in Temporal Perspective (4), (Cross-listed with ANTH 270.) The CAA was passed by Congress in 1970 and signed into law by President Nixon. Prerequisites: SIOB 242A or SIO 242A or consent of instructor. Lecture and laboratory course emphasizing the biology, ecology and taxonomy of marine plants and seaweeds. Students may not receive credit for SIO 116GS and SIO 116. SIOG 252B. This authority encompasses accidents at manufacturing, processing, storage, and disposal facilities, as well as hazardous materials in transit by highways, on water, by rail, and by air. Le permis de conduire, les limitations de vitesse, la lutte contre l'alcoolisme, les contrles, les progrs imposs aux constructeurs et des amliorations de conception du rseau routier visent amliorer la scurit routire. Furthermore, automobiles emit nitrous oxides (one source of acid rain) and several air toxins. [3] American Lung Association. Students will also develop scholarship skills by delving into the scientific literature. titre d'exemple, une tude scientifique conduite Hyderabad en Inde (ville de 3,7 millions dhabitants en 2005) a montr que la poussire routire (PM10 et PM2.5, dsignant respectivement les particules de moins de 10 et 2,5 microns) contribuait pour 33% de la pollution totale de l'air de cette ville, soit presque autant que la pollution par les vhicules (48% dans cette mme ville, au moment de ltude), le reste provenant de la combustion de biomasse et de charbon (cuisson, chauffage de leau)[136],[137]. It also identifies steps individuals can take to protect themselves in an incident. The safety of our Nation does not rest entirely with the Department of Homeland Security, but with each citizens vigilance and timely reporting to their local law enforcement agency any suspicious activities of any person in and around one of the possible targets of opportunity mentioned above. If your score is 75% or above, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you. There are several ways a citizen can obtain and use this information to protect themselves during a hazardous materials incident or hazardous substance release. Prerequisites: MATH 18 or MATH 20F or MATH 31AH or consent of instructor. For example, if a contaminated can or a piece of glass that had been in contact with a contaminant cut the skin, the contaminated substance could be injected into the body. Graduate students will also be required to write a term paper and do an oral presentation. This course gives an introduction to the methods and measurements used by observational physical oceanographers. In the event of a major incident, the Federal government can also provide assistance to the local Incident Commander through the National Response Center (NRC). More specifically, DOTs Office of Hazardous Materials Transportation (OHMT) issues regulations dealing with the shipping and packaging of hazardous materials, including how they are classified and labeled (both nationally and internationally). Occupational Safety and Health Administration Flammable liquids, Combustible liquids [U.S.]. Also used specifically to refer to entry of toxicants through the skin. Any chemical incident, or potential release, may draw firefighters, police, and emergency medical technicians to the scene. Ce phnomne est constat jusque dans les forts tropicales, o les routes prsentes comme moyens de dsenclavement et de dveloppement sont sources d'acclration de la destruction des forts. Environmental Protection Agency The Science and Analysis of Environmental Justice (4). Because tolerance levels for heavy metals depend on the soils physical and chemical characteristics, farmers should work with a professional to determine their soils tolerance and stay within its limits. SIOC 203B. Geophysical Data Analysis II (4). Boston, MA 02114-2023 Students will use concepts developed in class to develop ideas for an observational experiment, culminating in the writing of an NSF-style proposal and oral presentation of the proposed project. The theory of plate tectonics attempts to explain how forces within the Earth give rise to continents, ocean basins, mountain ranges, earthquake belts, and most volcanoes.

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