argos usa sustainability report

Integrated report 2021 This report is the result of an exercise in transparency about the management of the most relevant economic, social and environmental issues for Grupo Argos and its stakeholders during 2020. Generating development opportunities for driving growth in all those parts of the world where we are present. These risks were those identified as the most relevant and with which we are most committed to protecting, which is why within the framework of the Management System a greater number of plans were identified that seek to protect them. In this line we present our Integrated Report, through which we present the main results of the period between January 1 and December 31, 2021, as well as the strategies defined to achieve them. Cementos Argos, the most sustainable cement company in the world according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. For Argos, the challenges facing humanity are an opportunity to rethink ourselves as a company. Sainsbury's is one of the largest supermarkets in the UK, offering "delicious, great quality food at competitive prices" (J Sainsbury PLC, 2021, p. 2). Pre-Selection: We validate the suitability of suppliers through due diligence and review aspects of sustainability and financial health to ensure long-term relationships. For the Company: To consolidate a great team that embraces change as an opportunity and creates shared value in collaborative work environments. We believe in our capacity to provide solutions to our customers in a responsible way for the planet. . Through these, we share the way we generate value for the company, society and the planet. To strengthen talent management as an ally for business growth that provides innovative solutions in a clear balance between profitability, social development and environmental impact. Alpharetta, GA 30005. Find in one place our quarterly results, integrated report and the Sustainability Accounting Stansdards Board (SASB) metrics report. We characterize our suppliers as critical suppliers or with potential risk in sustainability. We are aware of the importance of identifying the Companys needs and employee interests. The efficient use of water, starting from the correct quantification. We are included in the FTSE4Good and the Vigeo Eiris indexes of the most sustainable emerging entities in the world. Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism Risk Management. Colombia: 01 8000 522021. Aware of the challenges we face as a society and of the importance of being part of the transformation of the industry, at Argos we are committed to the continuous improvement and innovation of our business model and our production processes, in order to continue being strategic allies of our clients in the construction of housing and sustainable infrastructure. US: Argos USA has announced the upcoming transition of its Roberta, Alabama, cement plant to Portland limestone cement (PLC) Type IL production. Along with other Virginia contractors, we participated in the construction of the Hampton Road Bridge Tunnel (HRBT) expansion by supplying cement and supplemental cementitious material (Supercem Grade 100 slag). We know that sustainability is based on good resource management practices, which is why we work to close cycles and reduce our environmental impact. More . OUR TEAM For the company: To achieve a positive net impact on biodiversity and carry out appropriate water management in an integrated manner through the application of the Argos Environmental Strategy, the Impact Mitigation Hierarchy, the management of risks and opportunities and the commitment of no net deforestation and not operating in protected areas or those declared as having high value for biodiversity, in order to create sustainable value, promote economic growth, increase the Companys resilience and ensure the flow of the ecosystem goods and services necessary for our operation. This initiative, implemented in Colombia, is developed under a joint-work model of Cementos Argos, the communities and other allies such as local mayors, social ministers and educational institutions, such as the National Learning Service (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje, SENA), due to the fact that basic training in construction is included to family members in order to leave the installed capacity in the territory and prepare them for a self-construction process. Reduccin de emisiones especificas netas de CO2. Operating Scheme: We materialize our Corporate Strategy through actions aimed at the efficient use of resources, the improvement of our financial flexibility and the maximization of income generation and business profitability. We have voluntarily adopted a self-regulatory framework that confirms our. We are so dedicated to the pursuit of sustainability that it represents the foundation of our business model and a core tenet of our business strategy. Argos received the Gold Class distinction in the RobecoSAM yearbook. Actuar con responsabilidad en nuestra operacin respetando y promoviendo los derechos humanos. *Cuyo impacto est relacionado con la mejora de los indicadores de IFLT (ndice de Frecuencia de Lesiones Totales), ausentismo por EG (enfermedad general), situaciones de riesgo alto y enfermedad laboral. How to put sustainability at the heart of your home. Our US region demonstrated its commitment to biodiversity conservation by obtaining and maintaining 13 conservation certifications from the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) for its initiatives to conserve habitats for valuable species such as bats, chickadees, birds and butterflies and to promote pollination, among other ecological services. For society: To sustainably respond to the growing demand for housing and infrastructure of the world population with the aim of improving people's quality of life, interconnecting regions and developing innovative solutions. Our goal is to have a net positive impact on biodiversity and integrated water management. Our cement was used in the construction of all the necessary works for the rocket-launch platform, as well as for a 90-meter-high mobile base (the rocket will be 70 meters high), the rocket-assembly building and tracks, numerous structures for electrical networks, pipes, etc. Report 2Q21. During this last edition we also added to the initiative the SASB indicators report. For society: To generate development opportunities to increase the quality of life and improve social conditions in the territories where we are present because we are convinced that as communities grow, the Company develops in a healthy, safe environment. Rehabilitate 90% of the released areas intervened Participation in at least one specific measurement or evaluation exercise for human rights in order to know the status of our system compared to best practices in the industries. Building trust-based relationships through fluid and transparent dialog, satisfaction in priority communities by 2030, Construir relaciones de confianza a travs un dilogo fluido y transparente, de satisfaccin en comunidades priorizadas para el 2030, Generar oportunidades de desarrollo para impulsar el crecimiento de los territorios, 630.000 personas impactadas por programas de inversin social para el 2030. Our goal is to obtain revenues equal to USD 800 million from products that have sustainability features. Inauguration of Ariane 6, a Space-Launch Platform Built with Our Cement in French Guiana. US: Argos USA has launched its new Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) brand EcoStrong.The company says the its will complete its conversion to 100% EcoStrong PLC cement production across all facilities in 2023.Its Roberta, Alabama cement plant and Atlanta, Georgia grinding plant will transition by mid-2022, while its Newberry, Florida cement plant will transition by October 2022.Argos USA plans . Search: SUSTAINABILITY. This initiative, implemented in Colombia, is developed under a joint-work model of Cementos Argos, the communities and other allies such as local mayors, social ministers and educational institutions, such as the National Learning Service (. At Argos we create value by contributing to the progress of the regions where we are present, facing the current challenges of society and transcending our role in the territory. Our goal is to eliminate serious injuries to our employees and contractrors by 2025. Through these, we share the way we generate value for the company, society and the planet. Together with the most important companies in the cement- and concrete-production sector in the world, we have adhered to the Climate Ambition Plan promoted by the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) to offer carbon-neutral concrete to society by 2050. Stakeholders The program has the following scope: Likewise, it systematically groups together the activities carried out to promote integrity in the Company's actions, its employees, and members of the value chain, which allow the updating and permanent strengthening of the program. During 2021 we had revenues of US$1.515 billion from products with sustainability features, almost doubling our goal of US$800 million in 2030. Our goal is to: At Grupo Argos we play the role of active strategic architect, leading and accompanying the monitoring of the general sustainability model of the Business Group, with a broad vision of trends and risks, and promoting the setting of goals and objectives in our strategic businesses and portfolio investments. To achieve our objectives, we focus our efforts on four lines: We are committed to respecting, protecting and promoting human rights; for this reason, we have a policy approved by our Senior Management that guides the Company's management to monitor the potential risks resulting from our operations. All Argos technical team members are highly knowledgeable, qualified, skilled and outgoing with strong diversified areas of expertise. Estamos comprometidos con la reduccin de las emisiones a travs de acciones que logren la eficiencia de nuestros procesos, contribuyendo a una buena calidad del aire en los lugares donde operamos. This is how we consolidate ourselves as a competitive, reliable company in the eyes of investors and other Stakeholders. For society: To have high environmental performance in the management of water and biodiversity through activities that incorporate elements such as prevention, mitigation, correction and compensation of our negative impacts and that allow enhancing positive impacts in order to guarantee the availability of valuable environmental services, for current and future generations. Constant updating of risks, by connecting their identification with the information available in other Corporate Reporting Systems, such as the Transparency Line. In accordance with our express commitment in the Human- Rights Policy and knowing the reality of our operations and the challenges posed by the diversity of origins and cultures that our Organization has, we have a Risk-Management process that allows monitoring the behaviors of the Company or our suppliers that were identified as critical and that put. Therefore, we focus our efforts in the development of sustainable housing and infrastructure projects that contribute to closing socioeconomic gaps, generating employment under safe conditions, environmental protection, and investment in improving peoples health systems and quality of life. In turn, this project consumed 400,000 cubic meters of concrete on site. For society: To respond to the needs of housing, improvement of quality of life, inclusion and infrastructure, in order to facilitate the development of sustainable, intelligent and interconnected cities that respond to the current challenges facing the planet. We permanently seek electrical and caloric efficiency in production processes, which have an impact on the commitment to mitigate climate change, through the adoption of Corporate Strategy Guidelines. Comprehensive health and safety are the most important values in our operations. Home; Behave as owners. Our sustainability strategy is based on three principles set forth in the sustainability policy: conscious investment, responsible operation and cutting-edge practices. A total of 674 people participated in telework, distributed by countries, thus: 575, Colombia; 36, Honduras; 51, Panama; 12, the Dominical Republic. Corporate Governance. Reducing the risks and enhancing the opportunities associated with climate change. To learn more about our corporate commitment to sustainability,visit our corporate site. Argos is recognized as one of the most sustainable cement companies in the world, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Thus, actions were established to quickly guarantee Employee access to vaccines in the different countries. Mon - Fri: 9AM . More than 1,400 families in territories such as Cartagena, Barranquilla, Toluviejo, Sogamoso, Sonsn, Mulal, among others, improved their quality of life thanks to the Healthy Homes Program and the contribution of cement. WE PROVIDE A WIDE RANGE OF. We structure and develop programs through which we. On September 27, the inaugural flight of Ariane 6 took place, a marvel of modernity in the middle of the French Guiana jungle. For this reason, through our Climate Change Strategy, we have committed to acting throughout our value chain, mitigating direct and indirect CO. emissions, generating the necessary capacities to adapt to their impacts, and researching and developing initiatives to advance in solutions aimed towards the capture, storage and use of carbon; thus seeking to contribute to the competitiveness and resilient growth of both the Company and its Stakeholders. Argos, MSU's lead Operational Reporting Tool (ORT) is a flexible platform for creating and sharing reports and dashboards across the University.The ORT project is the first step in the much larger Enterprise Decision Support (EDS) program established to pull together various sources of information and provide the tools necessary to access and visualize trends and indicators in support of . Optimization of the cement clinker factor under the premise of diversifying and enriching the Company's portfolio with low-carbon products. Through these, we share the way we generate value for the company, society and the planet. Grupo Argos Integrated Report 2021 This report is the result of a transparency exercise on the management of the most relevant economic, social and environmental issues for Grupo Argos and its stakeholders during the year 2021. At Argos we are committed with a timely, accurate and transparent report of our progress and challenges, that is why during the last 9 years we have published our Integrated Report based on the GRI standards. We position ourselves as strategic allies for the development of the territories where we are present, directly and through the empowerment of our value chain. Centro Santillana - Torre Sur Cementos Argos, the most sustainable cement company in the world according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. We measure the management of critical suppliers through performance evaluations in terms of quality, service, occupational health and safety, having constant feedback and identifying key factors for their development. Cementos Argos, the most sustainable cement company in the world according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. United for culture Corporate Whatsapp. For the company: To guarantee business sustainability, optimize working capital and capital investments, reduce costs and the level of indebtedness, and mitigate risks regarding the availability of resources necessary for our operation and the emergence of new business realities, environmental requirements and new regulations. Projects. At the same time it predicted another year of sharp sales declines at its chains. , we shipped a total of nearly 54,500 tons of three different types of cement with high levels of resistance and advanced technical requirements, among which road binder stands out, a stabilizer solution for land that is used for the first time in a work of this type, and some sulfate-resistant cements. We continue to strengthen our technological tools to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism risks, for the identification of early warnings. This chart has been simplified to show only the main companies through which businesses are developed and it does not include all of the subsidiaries in which the . We have evaluation, monitoring and scaling mechanisms adopted in the methodology of our Comprehensive Risk Management System (SGIR, in Spanish), which defines different scales of impact (economic, reputational, information and Occupational Health and Safety), as well as scales of probability of occurrence, that make up their overall risk profile; seeking an efficient transfer through the Corporate Insurance Program, to reach all levels and geographies in which we operate. We want to recognize the. 2020 Argo ESG Report Making an Impact Our corporate responsibility to clients, employees, shareholders and communities requires that we hold ourselves to the highest standards. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. Our commitment Innovation Sustainability Green solutions Transparency HotLine Learn more about us Argos plans to expand its aggregates business. We inspire our work teams to choose to work in a safe and healthy manner, applying, understanding and being aware of the consequences of complying or failing to comply with the proper performance of their functions. They are an exercise in transparency in which we publish progress in the management of the most relevant economic, social and environmental issues for our stakeholders. Integrated report At Argos we are committed with a timely, accurate and transparent report of our progress and challenges, that is why during the last 9 years we have published our Integrated Report based on the GRI standards. Presentation 2Q22. At Argos, we understand this and take sustainability seriously. In addition, each office has committed to "Friday . Go to Top. For this, we focus on operational efficiency, optimization of production, and logistics and transport processes, as well as the implementation of circular economy models. The consolidated 2020 carbon footprint of all Argos Wityu offices decreased by 39% compared to 2019 (to 396 tonnes) - mainly due to reduced air travel. Success in sustainability requires a commitment to maintaining direct, transparent and symbiotic relationships with our communities and all of our stakeholders, in order to foster relationships built on trust, shared values, and responsible production. Similarly, our culture pillars represent the values that enable commitment to change and achievement of objectives to achieve sustainable results and superior growth. With these trainings, as with our Performance Management Program, we enhance their progress with the accompaniment of their leaders. Dominican Republic: 1800 148 5009. We have a Community Management System, made up of six elements that interact with each other to promote a strategic, articulated, aligned and focused management of the relationship with the communities. The following is our work plan Sustainability Strategy For this reason, through our Climate Change Strategy, we have committed to acting throughout our value chain, mitigating direct and indirect CO2 emissions, generating the necessary capacities to adapt to their impacts, and researching and developing initiatives to advance in solutions aimed towards the capture, storage and use of carbon; thus seeking to contribute to the competitiveness and resilient growth of both the Company and its Stakeholders. Argos Usa's annual revenues are over $500 million (see exact revenue data) and has over 1,000 employees. socioeconomic gaps, generating employment under safe conditions, environmental protection, and investment in improving peoples health systems and quality of life. de satisfaccin en comunidades priorizadas, personas impactadas por programas de inversin social para el, Our ISOH (Industrial Safety and Occupational Health) Strategy. Note: Revenues for privately held companies are statistical evaluations. Aportamos al cierre del ciclo del uso de los recursos mediante el aprovechamiento de los residuos o subproductos de otras industrias como materias primas o combustible alternativos, brindando una solucin sostenible a la problemtica de su disposicin. Nuestra meta es: - Eliminar las lesiones graves en nuestros colaboradores y contratistas al 2025**Segn alcance y definicin establecida. Identification of the level of risk of violation of relevant Human-Rights, as the case may be, in th. Our goal is to reduce our net specific emissions to 523 kg CO2 /t of cementitious material.

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