alevi population in the world

God created life, so the created world can reflect His Being. Map 3: Alevi population distribution in Turkey With the introduction of the Law of Tunceli in 1935, parts of the larger Dersim region were separated and joined to neighbouring cities. Other non-Alevis, such as Ruhi Su and Zlf Livaneli, have recorded many Alevi songs. List of ethnic groups in table Rank Ethnic Group Population Date % of world population Annual Growth Rate Region (s) with largest populations Regions with significant populations Languages spoken Most Common Religions and Philosophies 1 Han Chinese 1,310,158,851 December 31, 2011 18.62% 0-1% Mainland China, SARs . Gentle, rolling hills under crisp blue skies spread into the horizon. Attempts to identify the origin of Alevism are inherently controversial. Grdm bir elmadr, el-Hamd'liLlh. Ocakzades may attain to the position of dede on the basis of selection (by a father from among several sons), character, and learning. Sign up to Minority rights Group International's newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news and publications. Traditionally dedes did not merely lead rituals, but led their communities, often in conjunction with local notables such as the aas (large landowners) of the Dersim Region. Shah Ismail's personal religious views are reflected in his Turkish-language Sufi poetry of a ghulat nature (he claimed divinity), of which selections came to be included in Alevi scriptural compilations, the Buyruks. Kurds, Turks, and the Alevi revival in Turkey. The successor of Bayezid II, Sultan Selim I "The Grim", launched a vigorous campaign into eastern Anatolia, utilising a religious edict condemning Alevis as apostates to massacre many. "In C.N. In part it was the migrant drift of Alevis from mountainous or unproductive land to seek work in predominantly Sunni towns which was a major catalyst in SunniAlevi tensions. The basis for Alevis' most distinctive beliefs is found in the Buyruks (compiled writings and dialogues of Sheikh Safi-ad-din Ardabili, and other worthies). Alevis found that they still faced discrimination in employment and education, and again turned to taqiya for stigma management, adapting to Sunni ways in order to get a share of the scarce resources. Massacres of Qizilbash occurred. In addition to avoiding any sort of comfort or enjoyment, Alevis also abstain from food and water for the entire day, though they do drink liquids other than water during the evening. Alevis make up 20% of Turkish Muslims and comprise Turkeys largest religious minority community. ), Wilpert, Czarina (1990) "Religion and Ethnicity: Orientations, Perceptions and Strategies among Turkish Alevi and Sunni Migrants in Berlin." Consisting primarily of ethnic Turks and Kurds, the Alevi make up 11-12% of the nation's population. In attacks against leftists in the 1970s, ultranationalists and reactionaries killed many Alevis. Alevi faith and culture is called Alevism (Alevilik). He is also preferred by Alevi Kurds, who appreciate his protest against the Turkish establishment, over Haji Bektash Veli (whom they identify with the Turks). Although Turks are probably the largest ethnic group among Alevis considering their historical towns and cities. The world population clock shows you in real time how fast it's actually going. Outreach Ideas. Bektashis hold that the Qur'an has two levels of meaning: an outer (Zher ) and an inner (ben ). He is known by `Alawis as a pupil of the 11th Shi'i Imam Hasan al-`Askari . Islam was brought to Anatolia by Turks in 10th and 11th centuries by a result of migration for a period of 100150 years. Socially progressive and drawn to left-wing and revolutionary politics, the Alevi community was seen as a threat to the unity of the Turkish republic and had defied attempts by the authorities to assimilate minority groups, seeking to maintain their culture, beliefs and way of life. And God sets forth examples for the people, and God is aware of all things. Vergin, Nur (2000, [1981]), Din, Toplum ve Siyasal Sistem, stanbul: Balam. It was also forbidden to use the state (Sunni) courts.[45]. Some Alevis are Azeris. (1993), Uyur dik Uyardlar. This cookie is used to enable payment on the website without storing any payment information on a server. . Hann, ed., Krisztina Kehl-Bodrogi, Krisztina, & Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Anke Otter-Beaujean, eds. [2], Secularization diminished traditional threats to Alevi existence transforming Turkish society into a less Alevi-hostile community. The Zaza-Alevi people living in Germany do. The assault took the lives of 37 people, mainly Alevis, and has become a symbol of Alevi identity and oppression by the Sunni majority in 'secularist' Turkey. Until 1925 it was estimated that 10 to 20 percent of Turkey's adult male population were still members of the Bektashiya. Kurdish Alevis are sometimes still called Kzlba. Following initiation (called nasip) one becomes a mhip . THE ALEVI COMMUNITY IN AUSTRALIA The majority of Alevi people in Australia are from Turkey. Efforts are made to convey the Alevi message on the protection of nature to politicians and to achieve recognition by the official state. The plurality in nature is attributed to the infinite potential energy of Kull-i Nafs when it takes corporeal form as it descends into being from Allah. (1995), Yol muyuz Yolcu muyuz? [37][38], When he came to power in 2003, then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan initially promised to strengthen the rights of minorities. Alevis celebrate and commemorate the birth of Ali, his wedding with Fatima, the rescue of Yusuf from the well, and the creation of the world on this day. The size of the Alevi population is likewise disputed, but most estimates place them somewhere between 8 and 10 million people, primarily in Turkey. Alevi leaders are variously called murshid, pir, rehber or dede. As of 2021, the world's population is estimated to be 7.63 billion people. A company limited by guarantee in the UK no. This glossary lists terms that are used in various places in the religion and country profiles. In the case of the Hacibekta celebration, since 1990 the activities there have been taken over by Turkey's Ministry of Culture in the interest of promoting tourism and Turkish patriotism rather than Alevi spirituality. The number of Alevis is a matter of contention. The world's population continues to grow, reaching 7.8 billion by mid-2020, rising from 7 billion in 2010, 6 billion in 1998, and 5 billion in 1986. The Alevis from Turkey first migrated to Australia in the late 1960's and early 1970's. The oppression reached its dnouement in Sivas on 2 July 1993, when thirty-six people (Alevis, intellectuals, and a Dutch anthropologist) attending the Pir Sultan Abdal Festival were burned to death in a hotel by Sunni locals. Each shoe is crafted by incredible artisans. Various opinions exist as to the nature of 'Ali. (2009), Hasan Nedim ahhseyinolu. Most Alevis would think first of Ali, Hajji Bektash Wali, or the other saints. This culminates in the festival of Ashura (Aure), which commemorates the martyrdom of Husayn at Karbala. [40] However, pogroms against Alevi did not cease after the establishment of Atatrk's republic. Co-created by two native Italian women: Valentina Micchetti and Perla Alessandri. He remains at God's service, but rejects the final test and turns back to darkness. "Tradition and Modernity: Alevis' Ambiguous Terms and Turkey's Ambivalent Subjects", Koan, Grcan/nc, Ahmet (2004) Citizen Alevi in Turkey: Beyond Confirmation and Denial.. Source: Worldometer ( From 1950 to current year: elaboration of data by United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Like mainstream Shia they are known as "Twelvers" as they both recognize the Twelve Imams. BY ALEV DUDEK -- Turkey's main religious group outside of Sunni Islam is the Alevi, making up 15-25% of the population and having long-lasting struggles with equal rights. There are many other practices and ceremonies that share similarity with other faiths, such as a ritual meal (muhabbet) and yearly confession of sins to a baba (magfirat-i zunub ). Various cems and special programs are held. "Kizilba-Kurden in Dersim (Tunceli, Trkei). Though generally regarded as a Sunni group historically, some Rifa'is accept the Alevi identity. The ceremony's prototype is the Prophet Muhammad's nocturnal ascent into heaven, where he beheld a gathering of forty saints (Krklar Meclisi), and the Divine Reality made manifest in their leader, Ali. They are those who, while not having taken initiation into the order, are nevertheless drawn to it. In: Tord Olsson/Elizabeth zdalga/Catharina Raudvere (eds.) Bumke, Peter (1979). For example, the Alevi concept of God is derived from the philosophy of Ibn Arabi and involves a chain of emanation from God, to spiritual man, earthly man, animals, plants, and minerals. In particular, much of mystical language in the Alevi tradition is inspired by Sufi traditions. Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives, Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, pp. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 241260. ].Alevis, whose beliefs are based on gnostic rituals and whose practices are secret (the Alevis never go to the mosque), are considered as heretics by other . Alevis also donate money to be used to help the poor, to support the religious, educational and cultural activities of Alevi centers and organizations (dergh, vakf, dernek), and to provide scholarships for students. These tribes dominated central and eastern Anatolia for centuries with their religious warriors (ghazi) spearheading the drive against Byzantines and Slavs. "), According to scholar Soner aaptay, Alevism is a "relatively unstructured interpretation of Islam". In the wake of 20th century urbanization (which removed young laborers from the villages) and socialist influence (which looked upon the dedes with suspicion), the old hierarchy has largely broken down. Thom-Venske, Hanns (1990). Lower estimates range from 10 to 12 million. Cokun, Zeki (1995) Aleviler, Snniler ve teki Sivas, Istanbul: letiim Yaynlar. [2] Besides, the recent plan to expand Ottoman architecture on Taksim Square, which turned into an anti-government protest all over Turkey, has encountered stiff resistance by some Alevis as well in Turkey and Western Europe. Olsson, Tord & Elizabeth zdalga/Catharina Raudvere, eds. The vast majority of Alevis are probably of Kizilbash or Bektashi origin, two groups subscribing to virtually the same system of beliefs but separately organized. ahhseyinolu, H. Nedim. Hopes of faring better under a secular republic failed to take account of popular prejudice. Alevism also acknowledges the Islamic prophet Mohammed. Alevism is a branch ofShia Islam that is practiced in Turkey and the Balkans among ethnic Turks and Kurds, and is related tothough distinct fromAlawism in Syria. The recording was made in Istanbul in 1993, and the ceremony includes in an order typical of a cem: a deyi that reiterates the line of descent of the sect in a historical framework, two dvaz (one based on the poetry of Hatayi, and the other on the poetry of Kul Himmet), prayer formulas, the illllh genre that incorporates the tahll formula into the poem to create an atmosphere of zikr while sect members create rhythmic intensity by hitting their knees in time to the music and sway their bodies slightly, the Dance of the Forty (Krklar Semah), the Dance of the Cranes (Turnalar Semah) and prayer formulas. In July 1993, 67 Alevis were killed in Sivas at the climax to the eight-hour siege of a hotel by Sunnis, while the police stood by. Many Armenians converted to Turkmen type Islam while retaining some Christian practices, and some observers believe that heterodox Armenian Christianity exerted a significant influence on the beliefs of the extremist Shi`ite sects. Bektashism places much emphasis on the concept of Wahdat al-Mawjud , the "Unity of Being" that was formulated by Ibn Arabi. Ultra-nationalists allied themselves to Sunni fundamentalists in attacking Alevis. They are demanding that the state recognize Alevism as an official Islamic community equal to, but different from, Sunnism. Nationalist Sunni Muslims targeted the Alevi Turkish minority and killed more than half a hundred of them. A lesser known minority is the Alevi community. Thanks for using our World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples! According to scholar Marianne Aringberg-Laanatza, "the Turkish Alevis do not relate themselves in any way to the Alawites in Syria. Geaves, Ron (2003) "Religion and Ethnicity: Community Formation in the British Alevi Community." While Dressler stated in 2008 that about a third of the Alevi population is Kurdish,[11] Hamza Akst argued that the majority is Kurdish[58] when many groups he considers as Alevis such as the Yarsanis[59] are combined. April 2016 von Ali Kenanolu Alevism in Turkey is not being discussed on theological grounds as a religion, different from Islam, which has its own basics of faith and practice. (2009). "[48] However journalist Jeffrey Gettlemand claims that both Alevi and the less than one million Alawite minority in Turkey "seem to be solidly behind Syrias embattled strongman, Bashar al-Assad" and leery of Syrian Sunni rebels. The dances symbolize (for example) the revolution of the planets around the Sun (by man and woman turning in circles), and the putting off of one's self and uniting with God.

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