world schools debate rules

(iii) As a native English-speaking team if they do not meet the criteria for being classified as an EFL or ESL team in accordance with 19(c)(i) and (ii). 4. This manual is the intellectual property of the South African Schools Debating Board. 6.3.3 Time-setting is the setting of a debate of general application in a particular time, past or future. Once again, we have to rely upon those who set motions to be sensible. (vi) The official voting representative of each country shall be the same representative as at the preceding World Council meeting. We can all agree on that part, but there are two particular issues that have arisen in previous World Championships that need some further discussion. Application. The first speaker provides two of the substantive arguments in a case, while the second speaker presents the final and third substantive at the end of their speech. Their ballots are locked in like yours, and the only point of conferring is to help one of the judges give the adjudication speech. Each point you collect. 8.3 The role of the second speaker of the opposition is to deal with the definition if it is still in issue, respond to the proposition case, and continue with the opposition case as outlined by the first speaker. Moreover, your cases should not refer to ideals specific to the United States. (c) Judges for all Championship debates, including the Grand Final, are to be selected for their ability to judge, not because they hold any particular office or occupation. The third principle says that not everything that we do back home is essential to good debating. With three speakers on a team, the positive argument has to be divided between the first two (and perhaps the third government as well). This assessment must be done from the standpoint of the average reasonable person. But a speaker who accepts a significantly greater number of points of information risks losing control of his or her speech. (e) A person taking part in the preparation of an impromptu debate may not take into the preparation room a telephone, computer or any other device capable of communicating or accessing information outside the preparation room. (a) There shall be a Charter for the Championships. A good argument is a good argument, no matter where a team comes from. 5.6.1 A case sums up the team's arguments and states why its side of the motion is correct. There is no global mark for teamwork. The Executive Committee must make biannual written reports to the World Council. Instead, it is going to have to make some generalisations about the motion in order to present a coherent argument within the time allowed. Judges should determine when the offering of points of information, far from adding to the debate, begins to infringe on the right and/or ability of the speaker to address the audience. While it is true you can write World School Debate cases without evidence, it seems some base in the literature is required to have a grasp of the context of the motions. But at the end of the first government speaker, what did the opposition have to refute? Here are five debate strategies and extra lessons for students of all ages. motions The Council's approval must set out the name under which that nation's team may compete and the flag or symbol that it . Instead, you must have a mental picture of a good average speech for this competition and mark every speaker including the first government) according to that hypothetical. All other countries present at the previous World Schools Debating Championships without voting rights should be notified of the resolutions at this time and invited to give official comments. But Pakistan questioned this proposition, asserting that Israel had no right to exist. world schools debating council Ties and low point wins are not permitted. Judges might be tempted to be sympathetic and mark these teams on a more generous scale. 13.4 A point of information should be brief, and no longer than 15 seconds. Quarter-Final D Winner of Octo-Final D and winner of Octo-Final E. The winners of the Quarter-Finals debate in Semi-Finals with the winner of Quarter-Final A against the winner of Quarter-Final D, and the winner of Quarter-Final B against the winner of Quarter-Final C. The winners of the Semi-Finals compete in the Grand Final. While a given team may consist of five members, only three students from a team participate in a given debate. Specific motions should be defined specifically and general motions generally. An appalling speaker would score 24 for style, 24 for content, and 12 for strategy (i.e. For example, suppose that the government in the feminist debate looked at the attitudes towards feminism in the major religions of the country. (e) Based on the information in the forms submitted in accordance with 19(d) and any other information available, the Chief Adjudicator shall determine which teams in the championships are to be classified as EFL teams and ESL teams in accordance with 19(c). Each debate comprises eight speeches delivered by two teams of three members, representing the Proposition and Opposition sides. The speaker may either accept the point or decline it. A typical case also includes the framing for the round. Note that the opposition reply follows straight on from this speech, so it is better for the third opposition to deal with the detail of the government case and leave the broad overview to the reply speech.The reply speeches are not going to delve into fine detail, but will take a broad approach to the issues of the debate. While early speakers must concentrate on presenting positive arguments, they still have some obligations to rebut the other side. Finally, the Proposition and Opposition teams should engage with the debate on a principled level and a pragmatic level. In case of dispute, appeal may be made to the World Council by Convenor or Executive Committee. A first speaker for the government continues to play an active role in the debate even when the third speaker for the opposition is speaking. The first speaker may also give The point of information may be in the form of a question to the person making a speech, or it may be a remark addressed through the person chairing the debate. It takes place throughout the debate. If you are using high school judges, they need to be in the 10th grade or higher. World Schools Style debating (or WSS) is a combination of the British Parliamentary and Australia-Asian debating formats, designed to meet the needs of the World Schools Debating Championships tournament. The rules of debate at the World Schools Debating Championship are a unique blend of rules from different nations. Take the example of European and American farm subsidies. Home. So we seem to be back with marking the offering of points within each speaker's speech marks. 15.3 As a general rule a speaker should accept at least 2 points of information in his or her speech. If your marks for each category and each speaker accurately reflect your view of the debate, then your total marks should reliably indicate which team won the debate, given the particular weightings of different categories we use at World Schools. In this article, we provide a brief overview of the format. The opposition agreed entirely that there was a backlash. Although a speaker's points of information do not have a direct effect on their mark, a mechanism named the "POI Adjuster" has been introduced in recent years: when the quality of a speaker's POIs is significantly different (better or worse) from the quality of their speech, the judge may add or subtract one or two marks from their overall speaker score. Good speech structure, therefore is one component of strategy. (b) Where a new draw has not been made, all teams who would have debated against the team that has withdrawn are taken to have won the debate by forfeit if they win at least a majority of their other debates, but are otherwise taken to have lost the debate by forfeit. Time-setting puts the motion In a particular era in history. 27. At the end of the second Semi-Final, the two teams in the Grand Final shall toss to decide which team shall take the proposition. It must be resisted: this category is worth only 20, and if 2 speakers are similar in standard they get the same mark, even if one is slightly better than the other. Of course, it must be a major argument, not a minor example which the opposing team correctly chooses to ignore in favour of attacking more significant points. Australians snigger at New Zealand accents - but other countries can't tell the difference between them. We select and guide the Dutch national selection of high school debaters towards the World Schools Debating Championships. Explaining the result to an audience that has just seen its first World Schools debate may require outlining the three categories in which we award marks and, where appropriate, identifying the category in which the decisive difference between the teams was to be found. Adjudicator Guide - World Schools PART I: RULES STRUCTURE 2 teams: Government/Proposition and Opposition 3-5 members in a team, but only 3 members can speak for each debate round; the other two can prepare with the team before the debate, but not participate or communicate with the three speakers once the debate starts Quarter-Final B Winner of Octo-Final B and winner of Octo-Final G In this article, we provide a brief overview of the format. The Chief Adjudicator shall publish a list of the teams eligible for the EFL and ESL awards (the published list) no later than the end of the first day of debates during the championships. (a) Motions to amend the Rules must either be proposed by the Executive Committee, or proposed and seconded by two member countries. During the main speeches the opposing team can offer points of information (see section 5). (a) If the total number of teams at the Championships is ten or less, every team shall debate every other team in the preliminary rounds. Which, of course, puts a premium on clear simple points. We were now two-thirds of the way through the debate, and we were yet to have a debate! A speaker who takes no part in the debate other than by making a speech should lose marks for content and strategy - content for failing to take advantage of opportunities, strategy for failing to understand the role of a speaker under this style. More than one member of the opposing team may rise simultaneously. However, while we must give due credit to teams for whom English is a second language, this is not the same thing as giving credit to these teams for the very difficult task of debating in a foreign language. Each country has its own style of debating, which leads to particular national rules about what debaters can and can't do. A reply speaker does not have time to deal with small arguments or individual examples. Place-setting puts the motion in a particular place. They must be ones that the ordinary intelligent person would accept as applicable to the debate. However, no points may be offered during the reply speeches. The debaters are acting as a legislative chamber and debating about what the government would or should do. In the 1992 Championships most teams debated the motion "that this house would ban all alcoholic drinks". Just because teams back home wouldn't do it doesn't make it wrong. Resolutions come in two types: prepared motions and impromptu motions. Octo-Final C Team 3 and Team 14 The retrospective nature of the reply speech means that no new material may be introduced in this speech. All Championship debates shall be in English. Respond to the rebuttal of the first opposition's arguments Rebut the arguments of the second opposition Present further arguments against the motion Third Opposition Speaker Rebut any remaining important elements of the proposition case and re-establish opposition arguments. As this position is also called the "rebuttal-speaker", their main objective is to prove the other team wrong. (c) Following the first rounds and before any draw is made for subsequent round, the all teams must declare their willingness to debate nay team which has qualified or any motion or will forfeit their place in the subsequent rounds in favour of the next ranked team. This is not an automatic rule, but is true in many cases. The nomination must be approved either by the World Council at its meeting the previous year, or by the Executive if the appointment is made after that. And for those used to North American rules, time-setting and place-setting are not allowed. the draw 5.1.2 If the motion poses a clear issue for debate (i.e. 13.2 The purpose of a point of information is to make a short point or ask a short question of the speaker. The reply speech is half the length of the main speeches. Yet look what happened in three different debates on this motion when the judges grappled with the weighting of the motion: in the first, the judges weighted the debate to the government because the motion was weighted the other way - in other words, they compensated the government in marks for having such a tough side to argue; in the second, the judges felt that weighting was impossible to assess, and did not try to redress the balance; in the third, the judges decided not to redress the weighting because the government team had actually chosen to be the government and thus voluntarily taken the harder side. He/ she gives a sign when the speaker has 10 seconds to go, and after speaking time is over, the speaker may finish his/her sentence and must then stop. The third government is going to spend a large part of her or his time attacking the other side. It all depends how good the rest of the elements of strategy were. Nor should teams be rewarded for the good fortune of coming from a region whose accent is more acceptable than others. It could rebut the supposedly pro-feminist attitudes in each of those religions. A point of information is offered in the course of a speech by a member of the opposing team. The opposition is not obliged to present its own positive case in world championship debates. Likewise, make sure that your belief is not being unduly influenced by one category in the marks: perhaps you think that the proposition won only because you are not giving full (i.e. After each speaker has spoken once, each team has one reply speech. (c) No more than one of the team members meets the criteria for being classified as a native English speaker in accordance with 19(b)(iii). But in the different style at a world competition. (e) up to three members appointed to each working group by the Chairperson of that group. 15. But in the international context this causes some interesting problems, because national perspectives on issues can be so different. However, in a couple of respects they have taken on a life of their own in the World Championships, and have to be treated as a phenomenon new to British and non-British judges alike. A team may not debate more than three times in a day in the preliminary rounds unless the team agrees prior to the start of the Championships. Motions are debated in a general sense, and are not about extreme or isolated examples. 18. They should also summarise their own case either as part the analysis of the issues or towards the end of the speech as a separate section. (ii) All countries entitled to vote according to the Rules are notified of the resolution no later than one month prior to the holding of the ballot. it has an obvious meaning), the Proposition must define the motion accordingly. For example, in Australia we might approach a motion "that feminism has won" in the context of Australian attitudes to feminism, rather than dealing with feminism globally. (v) A member of the Council is entitled to vote in postal ballots if that country's team has competed in at least two of the previous three World Schools Debating Championships (in accordance with Rule 27 [c]). Before discussing specific matters, let me outline three fundamental principles : 1. Throughout the course of the round, the speakers can interrupt a current speech to ask a quick question or comment, also known as a point of information (POI). Second speaker (Opposition or Proposition). Teams from non-English speaking backgrounds may well speak English with a "foreign" accent. There is a great temptation to expand the range for this category to differentiate between speakers of otherwise similar standards. It is an international contest. In World Schools debate, the winning team is the team with the most points, so there are no low point wins. Following the second speeches, the third speakers summarize the round through three key questions that illustrate the major discrepancies of the round. It is impossible to put a figure on how many points of information a team may offer before its behavior constitutes barracking. Style covers the way the speakers speak. That will leave you with half-mark steps, but that is not a problem. They take part knowing that they will be against teams for whom English is a first language. This means: 5.1.1 On receiving a motion, both teams should ask: 'What is the issue that the two teams are expected to debate? But it is fairly meaningless to many Islamic nations which are undergoing a religious revival. But she or he cannot introduce any substantial new argument, especially one that has not been clearly outlined in advance by earlier speakers. (c) During a debate speakers may not communicate with their coach, other team members who are not speaking in that debate or any person in the audience except to receive time signals in accordance with rule 3(c). Instead, it will have to concentrate on attacking that case, because that is where the debate actually lies. (e) All judges shall judge in accordance with the Judging Schedule and any guidelines and instructional material authorized by the Council. (a) a Chairperson elected by the Council; 17.1 Judges mark independently of each other, and should sit apart from each other during the debate so that they cannot see each other's mark-sheets. Each speaker in the debate has a different role. This combination of prepared topics with their more impromptu counterparts shifts the focus away from debate theory or procedural arguments and instead emphasizes specified issues. Debaters can also access motion analysis videos and reading materials from our . The proposition side stands in affirmation of a motion, while the opposition side disagrees with the interpretation of an idea or policy. Such a speaker would not understand the important issues of the debate, and should not score well in strategy. 15.1 The speaker has the absolute right to refuse to accept a point of information, or to accept it only at the end of the next sentence. Adopting this standard means that you do not mark the first government speaker at 70 and mark everybody else up or down from that point. The debate proceeds as follows: Evaluating the Round Motions for Worlds Schools Debate are based upon the legislative model. They should preferably deepen the analysis of the rebuttal. No 9th grade judges, please. 5.6 The definition settled, each team has to present a case, supported by arguments and examples. Three-a-side debating is not just a two-a-side debate with an extra speaker on each side. the world schools format 2 teams, 1 proposing the topic (or motion) and 1 opposing it each team has three speaking members, one of whom speaks twice each speech last 6 minutes (juniors) or 8 minutes (seniors), except for the final 'reply' speech which is half normal length teams take turns to present their case, starting with proposition A good speaker also does case rebuild in the end. Our views on the world are shaped to a large extent by our national media. This is not a dig at Middle Eastern attitudes, but an instance where an international debate raised highly contentious issues which required judges to step outside their own narrow perspectives and try to judge a debate from the standpoint of a hypothetical reasonable citizen of the world. Points of information were borrowed from British debating. (iii) failed to accept points of information during her or his own speech. If the opposition team attacked just that example, it would show only that the government has chosen a particularly weak example to illustrate its argument. This can be given by the first or second speaker on the team. (b) A member of the Chief Adjudicators panel may advise and assist the Chief Adjudicator, but may not independently carry out any of the Chief Adjudicators responsibilities or exercise the Chief Adjudicators powers. During the first speaker for the government, the three boxes on the right hand side will be used to record the offering of points by the three opposition speakers. Quarter-Finals, World Schools Debate Championships 2011. A good argument is a good argument, no matter where a team comes from. The pragmatic level deals with how if we propose or oppose the motion what practical implications will that have in the real world. Nor can it rely upon opinion polls: if the motion was as simple to prove as that, it wouldn't have been set for debate. 13. But in World rules we can't, because this is not allowed. It is only in this way that a speech can be rebutted, and thus that a debate can take place. Yet things as trivial as the use of palm cards and standing in front of lectern have been commented on in international debates, on one occasion a Grand Final! But if there is a point that is fairly trivial, it doesn't deserve more than a trivial amount of time. Outline one or more points of contention that the debate has centred on; Declare the reasoning of their team's victory. Let it be clear that either format is perfectly acceptable. Day and boarding schools from Kindergarten to High Schools. Because each team speaks four times, one of the three speakers in a round will give two speeches (either the first or second speaker will give the fourth speech). Thus a reply speech could be given, say, 13.5 for content, 14.5 for style and 7.5 for strategy, for a total of 35.5. The third government tied this together by showing that because of the scale of the backlash, the reforms would fail. The Opposition team can choose to engage with the efficacy of the Proposition teams model or mechanism that theyve given to solve the problem or the Opposition team can offer a solution of their own which they will argue actually solves the problem(s) better than the Proposition teams mechanism or model. 11.3 The reply speakers are in reverse order, with the opposition reply first and the proposition reply last. The draw for the preliminary debates is to be conducted by the Convenor using a system to achieve approximately equal and fair sets of opponents for all teams. For some teams, English is a second language and there are occasionally strong accents, odd words and (once or twice) a pause while the speaker thinks how to express the thought in English. In an 8 minute speech, taking at least 2 would be expected (depending, of course, on how many are offered). Before discussing specific matters, let me outline three fundamental principles : 1. (iii) if the average number of judges in its favour in its other debates is higher than 0.5 but less than or equal to 1.5, it receives 1 judge for that debate; (iv) if the average number of judges in its favour in its other debates is less than or equal to 0.5, it receives no judges for that debate. Octo-Final F Team 6 and Team 11 The top teams are invited to contest Finals Weekend near the end of the semester.. WSDL is also a unique educational opportunity, with students having the chance to learn from some of the world's most experienced debate professionals. 3.3 Debaters for whom English is a second language shall be judged as if they were native English speakers.

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