what strange phobia do i have

Some of us, whether it be from a bad experience or for no reason at all, have fears that are just irrational. 13) Geniophobia:an extreme unwarranted fear and/or physical aversion to chins. Why? Thats obviously not the case for those with cibophobia, who will avoid restaurants and grocery shopping, as well as eating itself. Xanthophobia is the persistent fear of the color yellow. The fear of this unavoidable bodily function is believed to be caused by traumatic potty-related experiences in childhood. The reasons why this phobiamay strike an individual are widely debated, but they are generally considered to be either a result of ecclesiophobia (the fear of the Church), hierophobia (the fear of holy things) or just a deep-rootedanimosity towards authority figures in general. Weve already discussed the fear of numbers, but octophobia is the specific fear of the number eight. Thats right, there are people out there who have an overwhelming fear of these feathered creatures. People who suffer from this phobia often get panic attacks which increase with severity unless treated. We cant imagine how caligynephobiacs would fare at a Miss America pageant. They may also fear the hair on their own body. Apparentlycertain people with the phobia arent even remotely bothered by balloons when they are deflated, so a fun thing to do is to lock them in a room and then slowly blow one up in front of them, watching how their eyeballs pulsate, because, you know, Im a horrible person. 10) Somniphobia:the often irrational and excessive fear of sleep. It can also lead to drug and alcohol abuse as people try and deal with their issues. In the end, every one of us is afraid of something. People have phobias to all kinds of things besides the normal phobias like heights, elevators, snakes or driving over bridges. From A to Z, here are the weirdest 26 strange phobias you didnt know about: Its pretty commonplace for people to have a fear of failure. You may not have heard of them, but these fears are very real. It's called Koumpounophobia. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. Glossophobia (fear of public speaking), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and acrophobia (a fear of heights) are some of the most common, and all are things that trigger our instinctive fear response to some degree. Ophidiophobia: Fear of Snakes. 3) Arachibutyrophobia:the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. However, globophobia sufferers are so fearful of this mini-explosion that they cant go anywhere near an inflated balloon, just in case the dreaded popping thing happens and somehow kills them or destroys the Universe or whatever. Some are just memes that developed over the years that have been proven to be real. The full title of this phobia actually reads as follows: Of all the phobias I researched for this article, allodoxaphobia might be the one that I genuinely suffer from the most. This is one phobia you dont want to experience. You'll want to avoid sending flowers and balloons to someone who suffers from which two phobias? But compared to these 10 celebrity phobias, my fears are . Barophobia is an interesting one because it can attack in two, seemingly contradictory, forms. Those with fears of bully buttons hate seeing or touching belly buttonsboth their own and others. Getting hit by an ambulance. This may sound like one of those made up phobias which some clever Reddit troll decided would be funny, but no, this is a legitimate fear. This is a really strange phobia. health 2. For those who do have it, however, its kind of a serious problem, because there are knees everywhere, and even the act of kneeling itself becomes a traumatic ordeal. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and thats exactly what phobophobiacs do. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Texture, fear of the germs they carry, or accidentally swallowing one, are the most commonly cited sources of this fear. Let's find out some weird facts from their lives. That aside, people with dyslexia are most likely to have to deal with this phobia that also goes by the name sesquipedalophobia. Omphalophobia - Fear of navels As weird as it sounds, some people do have this phobia where they can't touch their own or others' belly buttons. Music is thought of as the universal language but to some, its one that induces tremendous distress. 0. look it . botanophobia and entomophobia. However, globophobia sufferers are so fearful of this mini-explosion that they cant go anywhere near an inflated balloon, just in case the dreaded popping thing happens and somehow kills them or destroys the Universe or whatever. You might be scared of snakes or spiders and freak out when you see them. Apparently if you lock these people in a hairdressers they completely lose it, so please dont do that. There cant be any fear quite as ridiculous as anablephobia. The real fascinating aspect of geniophobia, however, is that it usually strikes the victim when they are presented with a chin which is aesthetically unusual, for example: Ben Affleck and his cleft chin, otherwise known as a bum chin or your face looks like a bum or The Affleck bum face chin face, all of which is a very scary scene for someone with geniophobia, and even some without. Outpatient vs Inpatient Mental Health Treatment, How to Pay for Therapy With & Without Insurance. NEXTLUXURYDOTCOM LLC IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. People are usually scared of something. Weird phobias dont get much more strange than this one. Omphalophobia is the term used for people who are disgusted by seeing or touching a human belly button. You know what Im talking about. For reasons ranging from the unique gummy, smacking sound bananas make when being chewed to the mushy texture and accompanied imaginings of the squishy mess it would make if mashedsome people find bananas to be a triggering sensory landmine. As a result, this phobia is sometimes mistaken as anorexia. While anyone who has eaten peanut butter has experienced it sticking to the roof of their mouth, they dont normally freak out like someone with arachibutyrophobia does. People suffering from this phobia feel very uncomfortable when within the company of wax statues and models. It causes people to become anxious and panic when they cant have access to their mobile phones. Of all the phobias I researched for this article, allodoxaphobia might be the one that I genuinely suffer from the most. Have you ever been sitting in your room, minding your own business, when you suddenly remembered oh no! Balloons are a big part of many childrens childhoods, especially at birthday parties, which can cause issues for people with this phobia. Lots of people in the world that might just crack or, worse yet even more likely, purposefully harm random people. People with this disorder have a fear of mirrors, often stemming from other body issues they might be dealing with. Consecotaleophobia: fear of chopsticks. An All Thats Interesting writer since 2013, Erin Kelly focuses on historic places, natural wonders, environmental issues, and the world of science. It is worth noting that this is generally observed as a westernized fear, but then again, most of these phobias are. One study found that 23% of male students suffer from this disorder and that 77% check their phones more than 35 times a day. Achievemephobia isnt so much a fear of succeeding but rather the consequence of suchlike the way people will react to it or how the success might cause things to change afterward. Spiders, the dark, and even death are common things people fear. Some only fear detached or loose hair and do not mind attached hair. 3. They fear fear itself. Many who live with this condition find it hard to leave their homes. Fear! You have a persistent fear and anxiety related to it which affects your life. He gets scared when there are porcelain dolls around him. Stars who have weird phobias. 3. Nomophobia - Fear of being without a mobile phone or not being able to use it because of low battery or absence of signal. More like common sense! So insignificant. This may sound like one of those made up phobias which some clever Reddit troll decided would be funny, but no, this is a legitimate fear. But its not just animals. It is a rare but often devastating phobia. This fear is called "pediophilia," "I just think . Trichophobia, for example, is the fear of loose hair, while trichopathophobia includes the fear of any hair disease,leading us onto hypertrichophobia, whichis moreassociated with the fear of hair color and growth. Ergophobia: fear of work. Scriptophobia is considered a social and specific phobia and is also related to Graphophobia which is the fear of writing or handwriting. Not much is known about this phobia of this abstract concept, however, one study found that the inverse, a fear of injustice, was linked to a tendency to externalize problematic behavior. 1) Heliophobia: the fear of the sun, sunlight, or any bright light. Also sometimes described as the fear of medical words (which tend to be quite long), those with logophobia communicate through gestures and drawings. Sometimes this stems from excessive bullying or severe body image problems. These poor, poor souls. People diagnosed with eisoptrophoiba often have other phobias related to their body weight and appearance. Somniphobia - The Fear of Falling Asleep. (Dont google this phobia). Omphalophobia is the term used for people who are disgusted by seeing or touching a human belly button. The second version, is that gravity itself will simply let go, and we will float away into space like little bits of dandruff, ultimately suffocating but getting a great view just before we do. And, in the case of driver ants, sometimes they do want to. There is also the fear of long words. The people suffering from this will withdraw, react strangely, or limit their responses to ugly characters, people, inconsistent or asymmetric objects, and other strange items that they may encounter. There is some logic in this fear too, as I think a healthy dose of worry should arise when thinking about, say, a toaster next to a bathtub, or a fork next to a plug socket, or insect repellent in the hand of an infant. There is a 75 character minimum for reviews. No? To be fair, these rodents are pretty unnerving to look at; hairless, wrinkly, and virtually eyeless. Yup! I don't like talking about it to people in real life as it's emba What causes these fears to develop in a person is still uncertain, but it could be from when they fell out of a tree as a kid, or when they watched the 2013 film Gravity as an adult, because that film actually really freaked me out and totally deserved the seven Academy Awards it won. 16) Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia:the fear of Long words. 1. A large majority of people alive today are crippled by anxiety from the very thought of such simple things as elevators, harmless germs, or even peeing in front of strangers. Animal phobias such as the fear of snakes, spiders, rodents, and dogs. This article will look at 15 of these weird phobias that plague thousands of people around the globe. And then theres Donald Trump,who is scary enough sometimes when he says certain things, but then when you look at his face from a weird angle, you may notice his chin has its own chin, and that is a complete nightmare for someone with geniophobia, really horrible. Interestingly it isnt recognized as an official phobia by the American Psychiatric Association and is considered a social phobia. They just stick to you and feel all creepy and won't get off your skin. Mainly impacting young people, nomophobia is the fear of not having your phone nearby. You know what Im talking about. The good news is phobias can be treated, often through cognitive behavioral therapy whereby you are exposed to your phobia and gradually learn to live with it. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, I Have a Strange Phobia, . Along with triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13, octophobia is one of the only phobias associated with a certain number, making it very unique. By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Mental Health Rehabs to connect you with a Provider or Mental Health Resource, as outlined in our. Crazy right? Myrmecophobia? Physical symptoms of phobias The physical symptoms you can experience may include: feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded or faint. Signs And Symptoms Of Phobias. Caligynephobia is the abnormal, excessive and irrational fear of beautiful women. Super easy. We are all luposlipaphobiacs! I know how much people love their mobile phones but having a phobia of being without a cellphone, that's insane. First coined by Gary Larson (author of the popular comic The Far Side) the fictional nature of said terror did cause my hand to hesitate before posting it upon my precious list. As strange as it might sound, there is a small number of people in the world who struggle with this. Or even the fear of money? 164,556 takers Report. The reason people suffer from octophobia is often to do with them experiencing something bad on a day that is the eighth or during the eighth month of the year. Genuphobia: fear of knees. That is why we, at Barends Psychology Practice, developed a quick and anonymous online phobia test. Stars who have weird phobias. Hurtling around the Sun at18 miles per second, any simple rogue asteroid with the potential to clip our planets path and send up spinning off orbit, everything youve ever loved completely eradicated within a split second, with literally no impact to the greater scheme of the Universe at all. These individuals typically suffer from multiple phobias and the dread they feel towards those existing phobias can lead to the development of fear as a whole. 9) Philophobia:the abnormal, persistent and unwarranted fear of falling in love or emotional attachment. 6 Small Practices For A Long Lasting Relationship, Here Is Why You Need To Scream More Often, 10 Phobias that can Destroy Your Love Life, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Simple put, if you notice a large collection of little gaps or lumps on something, and it makes you want to pass out forever, then you may have this fear. Unlike Raj from the Big Bang Theory, who is thought to be suffering from gynephobia (the fear of all women) caligynephobia is the distinct fear of beautiful women; at least the ones the sufferer deems to be beautiful. A phobia is defined as an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. 82 Comments. Cacophobes believe that ugly things or people are associated with evil entities, and that even looking at them may cause these evil entities to attack. and that is the fastest way into my heart. I have a really weird phobia of buttons on clothes etc. anthrophobia and globophobia. But thats not the only reason why a phobia of food is so odd, its also nearly universally regarded as one of the best parts of life. Ereuthophobia - Fear of Blushing/Red View in gallery via today.com Sometimes this is a generalized fear of the color red, but more often it shows up as a terror when a person blushes. Theyll avoid roads or buildings with the number, be fearful of purchase totals that include $6.66, or refuse credit cards, phone numbersor any other account numbers that have those digits. The app, per people light years away, impossible to ever start suffering from what strange phobia do i have this! Got older, she would instantly fear being attacked by a hen or rooster she! 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