what are the theories of depression

Nolen-Hoeksemas (1991) Response Styles Theory of rumination (consisting of repetitively thinking about the causes, consequences, and symptoms of one's negative mood), or Conway et al's (2000) Rumination on Sadness theory (seeing rumination as repetitive thinking about sadness, and circumstances related to one's sadness). You become negative and self-destructive. Jenny joined many clubs and This suggests that there is a link between low levels of serotonin and depression. His publications include magazine chapters, articles and self-improvement books on CBT for anxiety, stress and depression. existence of enduring negative biases is implicated in depression (Bouhuys et al., 1999). a person has a predisposition of vulnerability from genetics and stressful Training may be specific to a given situation, such as a job interview, or may be more general in nature. [24] Beck revised his original cognitive-behavioral theory to include predisposing personality types, which have been expanded upon by other cognitive-behavioral therapists. be used in treatment. Abramson, Metalsky and Alloys (1989) hopelessness theory of depression. organizations to meet people and signed up for difficult classes in order to But what is depression? of Psychosis. & Coutts, 2005) that only warrant medication. of different schools of psychology provide a holistic view of the mind. In therapy Student blog for PSYCH 424 Applied Social Psychology. [52][53], Social skills training includes all therapies that teach adaptive interaction skills. In other words, people find it harder to lose themselves in collective identities. Psychodynamic theories (1960s-70s). Regardless, no person should feel the feeling of being a sole loner out there. There is no pre-determined set of adaptive behaviors, rather, coping mechanisms are created on an individual basis. They are derived from messages received by others. In turn, that affects their brain and nervous system, causing the hormonal and neurotransmitter changes that lead to depression. etiology of depression, specifically in connection to attentional biases. These perceptions are interlinked, and prominent features of depression. Deficits in both memory Learned helplessness is defined as a sense of having no control over outcomes, regardless of one's actions. and Practical Problems. It has been suggested that this model requires more research and development, with experiences that were not present in younger adulthood. The experience of low mood triggers memories Conversely, Teasdales (1988) theory views negative biases as state-dependent, thus only with non-depressed individuals. She discovered that genetically she was poorly equipped to deal with stress. symptoms of depression, which in turn, cycles back and generate further negative automatic and attention are also recognised in depressed populations. state has occurred (Gotlib & Hammen 1992). Theory of Depression, presented by Freud, states that depression is a operates on the attention, memory, perception, and reasoning aspects of information. tolerance for stress (Vancouver Costal Health, n.d.). and was well-known throughout school. including those from both biological and psychological paradigms. That is, a history of 1999-2022. Becks theory suggests that many secondary symptoms of with the adaptation of Becks model to explain depression in older adults, it seems the DAH future (Schneider et al., 2005). Stevens and Price (2000) proposed that when [28], In 1848, George Washington Burnap wrote that the "grand essentials to happiness" were "something to do, something to love and something to hope for."[29]. chapter. It has been found that difficulties in language (such as word- She figured that the more she took on the more chances she attention appear to be affected by depression. That in itself may be explained by genetics. We use cookies to give you the best online experience in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In high school Jenny had many friends [14] The depressed individual often sends ambiguous social cues that result in a misinterpretation by their interaction partner, such as a lack of responsiveness that can be interpreted as personal aversion. If one cannot find such a group, the solution the framework offers is to make the context in which one generally finds oneself the self (however, the self must be in meditative solitudealone and at peace, not lonely and ruminatingas stated, a state commonly achieved through the practice of meditation). The theories include evolutionary, neuroscience, behavioral genetics, behavioral, psychodynamic, cognitive, and biological theories of depression. As late-onset depression was not the focus of the present study, the following As with the DAH, with each subsequent depressive episode, less stress is Seligman noted the similarity between this behavior and that of depressives. as disparaging, depriving, defeating), and their future (viewed as bleak, unrelenting of 1.1 Understanding depression key issues, 2.1Depression can affect people in different ways, 2.3 Consolidating your understanding of depression, 3 Theoretical models and psychological explanations of depression, 3.1 Behaviourist theory and operant conditioning, 5.1 Pharmacological and psychological therapies, 5.2 Treatment-resistant depression and somatic treatments. Therefore, the rejection seems inescapable and depression sets in. to do so (Nemade, Reiss, & Dombeck, n.d.a). PubMed, EMBASE and PsycINFO were comprise of either defying her parents or being untrue to herself. [26] More generally, depression has been linked to differences in attributional styles and affect. explain aspects of late-life depression. So popular is this theory that even the general public are now aware of serotonin and dopamine. the various underlying factors of depression. In support of these theories, sleep studies of depressed people show that they have abnormal circadian rhythms characterized by shortened rapid eye movement (REM) onset latency, broken sleep . When individuals with this personality type fail to meet the expectations of those others, they become vulnerable to the development of depression. Diet (environmental influence) may cause low levels of tryptophan, an ingredient of serotonin. One theory or combinations of psychosocial, biological, and evolutionary theories were considered for postpartum depression. Unlike biology, psychology is not truly a . When human beings feel no sense of autonomy, in other words when they cannot alter their situation, they also feel hopeless. Conversely, positive affect, the tendency to react positively and to maintain high energy levels and high amounts of positive emotion, may serve as a buffer against depression. Model presents genetic and family history, psychological vulnerability, The causes However, not all types of Retrieved Dominant others value the input of others and rely heavily on others for their self-esteem. Free statement of participation on completion of these courses. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Wed love to hear from you! Indeed, the list of famous people to have suffered from depression is long: Sigmund Freud, Abraham Lincoln, Emily Dickinson, John Lennon, T.S. Functional analysis is based on the evaluation of an event via the three-term contingency: antecedents, behavior, and consequences. Three theories, namely, biological, psychosocial, and evolutionary were discussed. And, finally, they look to the future with despair. And there is no escape. A large body of data shows a strong link between alcohol or drug abuse and major depression. Subscribe to receive notifications of follow up comments via email. such that depressed individuals being exposed to negative material are primed for it, which position for the rest of her college career. In The lack of responsiveness displayed by individuals with depression becomes annoying to their interaction partners, causing the interaction partners to either avoid interactions with the depressed individual or to approach them more negatively in future interactions, generating a self-fulfilling prophecy of continued negative social interactions for both individuals. Towards the end of the 19th-century, the psychoanalysts turned their attention to the disorder, which they explained through repression. She felt that no matter how much causes or predispositions to developing depression in the first instance. In functional analysis, the purpose of the behavior is emphasized in relation to the individual and their environment, i.e. why Jenny became depressed. Some of these drugs include Tofranil (imipramine) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). These self-implemented reinforcers may explain why some individuals who experience an external loss develop depression and others do not. responsible for the development of the core belief, negative schemata are activated which depressive episodes, with increasingly less severe stressors needed to activate depression. latency. (Eds.) depression which have different implications for the therapy that is used. present study, namely cognitive theories and their equivalent variants explaining late-life negative stimuli is theorised to lead to hyperattentiveness towards mood-congruent stimuli, satisfy her parents. Beck's theories are based on his cognitive triad: a negative view of self, the world, and the future. that her parent's relationship with each other as well as the community was not According to this theory, the concurrence of Patients keep activity logs to monitor the feelings associated with different activities and therapists assign graded homework to help patients accomplish their goals. Life in the 21st-century is overwhelming. Cognitive reactivity suggests that, when presented with a There was no anti-depressive benefit from being higher on the other two. A study on bipolarity among the Amish identified a dominant gene at the tip of chromosome 11. We live much of our lives online, and many people check their social media accounts before even getting out of bed. These are activated in ways that are. They define two personality types that are vulnerable to the development of depression: dominant other and dominant goal. expand upon our knowledge of depression. the patient's self-punishment because of simultaneous feelings of inadequacy (2005). Use the email addresses below to get information about our website, products, and services. 1 Surely prescribers need to talk honestly with patients, explaining it is unclear how antidepressants 'work', even for 'depression' and that serotonin has multiple effects - on all physiological systems as well as on feelings of overwhelm, hopelessness and 'depression'. This theory follows a sequential order; Unfortunately, as societies become richer this increases. (2009). Theories are used to help treat depression and for an example for each, a female named Sam. The differential activation hypothesis (DAH), developed by Teasdale (1988), draws on the Alternatively, individuals with the dominant goal personality value personal achievement and success. Treatment based on Psychodynamic Theory would focus on decreasing mood as depressed individuals and therefore do not experience a worsening of mood. Once formed, negative schemata develop into attentional biases in information processing would have to succeed. Three alternative therapies emerged over the next 4 years: Lewinsohn's social learning theory, Patterson's anti-depression milieu, and Lazarus' behavioral deprivation. And when people feel hopeless, they become passive. Individuals experiencing depression are prone to systematic errors in information processing The fight or flight system kicked in and then the event was forgotten. financial, and social domains, thus contributing to the development of depression in late life. maintained attention on negative stimuli as well as filtering out positive stimuli, leading to A sense of failure and inadequacy is also common. Studies that have been scanning the brains of people with depression have found that the frontal lobe, the area responsible for cognitive processing, thinking and impulse control, shows very low levels of activity. During the 1960's psychodynamic theories dominated psychology and psychiatry. a perfect family, despite her overbearing and abusive husband. mood state (Lau, Segal, & Williams, 2004). They believed that "hopelessness depression" was a subtype of depression, and that it was not inclusive of all depression. Access modules, Certificates, and Short Courses. An obvious example is the individual from a religious community who attends a liberal college in London or New York. When faced with negative situations, non- The emphasis is placed on generating behavioral modifications that interrupt the individual's typical progression of negative orientation and maladaptive coping, replacing them with positive orientation and useful coping behaviors. [13] An alternative social skills theory attributes problems within interactions with the maintenance of depression. Beck also asserts that there are three main dysfunctional belief themes (or "schemas") that dominate depressed people's thinking: 1) I am defective or inadequate, 2) All of my experiences result in defeats or failures, and 3) The future is hopeless. Additionally, exposure to, and regular engagement with events cause the depression to come about. Because Life Events and the Hopelessness Theory At its core, the hopelessness theory is a diathesis-stress model of depression. However, similar to Contemporary views see hopelessness, worthlessness and helplessness as self-referent perceptions that are prominent features of depression. A f good scienti c theory, such as Einstein's general theory of relativity, explains phenomena like gravity in a way that it can exactly predict what will happen if I drop a cannon-ball from the leaning tower of Pisa (give and take some deviations due to measurement errors, air drag, et cetera). How to Deal With Sexual Harassment at Work, Losing Your Parents and Coping With the Stress. Note [b] classical conditioning is a learning process which occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired such that a response typically elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited solely by the first stimulus; operant conditioning is a learning process in which the likelihood of a specific behaviour is modified (may increase or decrease) as a consequence of (or in response to) a reinforcing stimulus such as a punishment or a reward. individuals, and can reduce the period of time the low mood may last (Gilboa & Gotlib, Individuals are provided with a series of steps to manipulate their orientation and reaction: the SSTA Toolkit. In particular, "adaptive inferential feedback" was deemed to be especially important. Many theories pertaining to late-life depression are specifically related to late-onset. Accordingly, the aforementioned theories indicate that, in. physical ailments and reduced finances. Negative self-schemata can give rise to statements such as, I am a burden to others. This remains a classic even today (the novelist Anthony Burgess once remarked that it was one of the few books to never bore him). Since she was so busy she had no time to relax. formed in childhood, perhaps through observing an ailing grandparent, it is possible that In particular, social environment plays a large role in Indeed, Martin Seligman (1973-1975) is often cited for having referred to depression as the common cold of psychiatry because of the rate at which it was encountered at the time. that are linked to painful or negative events, which intensify the affective state, and thus Becks model, the DAH holds that depressed mood can activate negative biases in. Individuals with depression have unwarranted negative views of themselves and the world and, consequently, have overly negative expectations for the future. Her fellow students dismiss religion as nonsense and live their lives accordingly. the principal attentional bias associated with depression, which forms the topic of the next In recent years, biological explanations have also been put forward. [50], Functional analysis is defined as "the identification of important, controllable, causal functional relationships applicable to a specified set of target behaviors for an individual[51]" and is used for individual evaluation in behavioral activation therapy. In a sense, they become trapped in a downward spiral: they feel sad, or maybe grow up around depressed, negative people; that leads to patterns of negative thought; these negative thoughts then influence their behavior, which becomes avoidant, passive, and sometimes aggressive; the negative thinking and avoidance lower their mood still further, triggering depression and leading to even darker and more negative patterns of thought, and so on. stimuli and away from other affective stimuli (Mathews & MacLeod, 2005). to feel accomplished. occurring during the depressive episode. hardship and deprivation). Though we still have no simple explanation, knowledge and understanding is improving. Theories of Depression by Richard H. Hall, 1998 Monamine/5-HT Hypothesis Just as with schizophrenia, the most popular neurophysiological theory of depression follows from the drugs that are used to treat it. Vancouver Costal Health. [55], Problem orientation therapy (PST) is a sub-category of social problem solving therapy that focuses on changing the manner in which individuals approach social stressors. To the analyst, depression is a symptom of something deeper, something the victim denies. The Open University is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in relation to its secondary activity of credit broking. In order to attend to a particular stimulus (target), other stimuli (distractors) must be rejected If youre new to university-level study, read our guide on Where to take your learning next, or find out more about the types of qualifications we offer including entry level For example, one of the theories that are currently studied suggests that impaired adult neurogenesis may be the cause of the condition; this issue can be rectified with the help of antidepressants. loss of an important source of love, security, identity or self-worth; death of a loved one, breakdown of a relationship or a significant personal failure) and vulnerability factor(s) (termed diathesis) that make the individual susceptible to depression. [49] The ultimate goal is to engage the individual in a wide range of stable and meaningful reinforcers, consequently alleviating depressive symptoms. Through self-monitoring, awareness of stress precursors, positive thinking, and healthy. The child wants to please the parents, but is unable Over time, the unconditional acceptance experienced in this setting will be internalized, allowing one to achieve self-acceptance, eradicating conflict, eliminating ones depression. these schemata are activated in response to ones own decline in physical, cognitive. Collectively, their research established that certain behaviors could be learned or unlearned, and these theories have been applied in a variety of contexts, including abnormal psychology. Health Psychology (8th ed.). Reinforcement contingencies theory asserts that depression results from a loss of adequate reward contingencies. PST emphasizes decreasing negative orientations, increasing positive orientations, enhancing problem-solving skills, and minimizing avoidant and impulsive reactions. The psychiatrist Aaron Beck argued that depression begins with negative patterns of thought. They proposed that people differed in how they classified negative experiences on three scales, from internal to external, stable to unstable, and from global to specific.

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