eic pathfinder challenges 2023

Such a resubmission direct to the face to face interviews will only be permitted once. The coaching support we offer is not compulsory to build a proposal, just strongly recommended. This Challenge targets groundbreaking innovations in any field of technology that have a high potential to meet the following goals: The possibility to store electrical or thermal energy at low cost, high density, high charging/discharging efficiency and for different duration (from short to long) will: The call aims to enable a paradigm by supporting deep tech ventures that can deliver disruptive new products and services for a digitised value chain with a focus on: The overarching objective of this Challenge is to provide transformative digitally enabled solutions for the construction sector that can help it achieve climate neutrality while providing inclusive and high quality products. Grant-first: 24 of 190 12.6% For all further beneficiaries the starting offer of three coaching days may be extended on the recommendation of project officers and programme managers. In case of a consortium your proposal must be submitted by the coordinator on behalf of the . ventures that develop and scale radical new products for mass-adoption of parametric, generative and algorithmic design, pushing the boundaries of physical simulation, digital twin; Alternative materials. Other relevant examples include those identified under EU industry policy, such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, Big Data, Blockchain, cloud technologies, connectivity, Industrial Biotechnology, Internet of Things, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Mobility, Nanotechnology, Photonics, Robotics, and IT for Security/Cybersecurity. The time is right to pull together a European R&I ecosystem on DNA-based digital data storage. This will be done by categorizing proposals according to various aspects (e.g., building blocks or subsystems, technical areas and/or competing technologies, risk level, size). The EIC Accelerator may also include other financial instruments in future years. The European Commission will appoint an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) to manage the EIC Fund. Can we suggest coaches/ cooperate with coaches we worked with in the past? The Seal of Excellence (only for mono-beneficiary applications from individual SMEs) is a quality label awarded to project proposals submitted to the EIC, to help these proposals find alternative funding. The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) has members in the EU and Associated Countries. EIC Pathfinder Open provides funding for projects in any field of science or technology, based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough interdisciplinary research. Blended finance projects selected following the cut-offs in 2021 have faced delays while the implementation arrangements for the investment component for the fully-fledged EIC under Horizon Europe are being put in place. For the EIC funded companies and projects, there are possibilities to claim those costs under your current grant, please contact your project officer in this regard. Note however that the TRLs range of some EIC Pathfinder Challenges may be narrower as specified in the given Pathfinder Challenge text call and Challenge Guide. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. to share specific data with them: The data will be made available subject to confidentiality obligations of the National Contact Points, Knowledge Innovation Communities, and EEN members. Are there events foreseen to support the formation of consortium for Pathfinder calls? The EIC Pathfinder Open (FET-Open in Horizon 2020) will accept project proposals for research in any area for grants of up to 3 million. Do projects have a choice? The EIC Pathfinder Challenges is a funding opportunity supporting innovative and ground-breaking research and development of early-stage game-changing technology which carry the potential to disrupt existing fields and markets. Contact: You can reach out to us via this contact form to work with a professional consultant. In addition, the expected outcome of Pathfinder Open project is the proof of principle that the main ideas of the envisioned future technology are feasible, thus validating its scientific and technological basis. An example would be a PhD student or a post-doc who dedicated few years of their work to obtain the said results. The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)will continue coordinating the grant and the equity components and will ensure close cooperation between the various partners to ensure rapid decision making processes in line with market timeframes. The EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2022 call is opening on 15 June 2022 with a call deadline on 19 October 2022 .The Applicants' Day took place fully online on 05 July 2022. It is therefore encouraged that companies participate, including SMEs/start-ups, and which may include companies that did not take part in the previous consortia that originated the results. It gathers all innovative companies and innovators funded under the European Innovation Council covering the EIC Accelerator, EIC Transition, EIC Pathfinder and Women TechEU programs, as well as coaches, national contact points, corporates, investors, procurers, staff of the EIC and many more. EIC Transition proposals must meet the thresholds on all evaluation criteria to receive the Seal of Excellence. This does not affect the grant components. Results of the FTO analysis: Go to Market/Prepare/Intellectual Property. Within the mandate given by the Commission,the EIC Fund manager makes decisions on investments, their structure and terms, follow-on investments and divestments, in accordance with the EIC investment guidelines and having regard to the recommendations of the EIB as investment adviser. Is there a limit to the number of slides? The expected size may depend on the path chosen, the sector and amount of work proposed in the application. The following statement by the EIC is part of the 2023 EIC Work Programme draft that this article is based on: This document represents a working draft of the EIC work programme for the purpose of feedback and comments from members of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee for the EIC and European Innovation Ecosystems. Each challenge has specific objectives, expected outcomes and technical specifications, and the evaluation committee aims to create a consistent and comprehensive portfolio that will meet the objectives of the specific challenge, as set by the EIC. Central Office Via Cavour 71 00184 Roma TELEPHONE. Is guidance available to prevent foreign interference in projects supported by the EIC? Radical innovations in precision fermentation for the food sector, including but not limited to mycoproteins. ventures developing and commercializing scalable 3Dprinting, robot assisted composites, factory and field robotics, automation products, digital molds, distributed building factories.. For Transition, please make sure to fulfil the eligibility conditions described in the Work Programme (e.g. Beneficiaries of ongoing grant-only projects (SME Phase 2 or EIC Accelerator pilot) can only apply to the investment-only component. I have submitted my full proposal but havent received an acknowledgment of receipt, is it normal? Can I apply if I am based in a third country, which is not associated? Can R&I activities be financed under action 3 - Stimulation of co-creation of pilots and test solutions? For short proposals,applicantswillbe invited tofill a questionnaire on the EIC AI IT platform illustratingtheirinnovation andsubmita 10-slide presentation and a 3-minute video pitch. Can single beneficiaries apply and if yes, will they be competing against multi-beneficiary proposals? Compliance and some due diligence checks would be performed by the EIC Fund based on standard compliance rules, related among others to KYC (Know Your Customer), anti-money laundering (AML), anti-terrorism financing, tax-avoidance, non-compliant/non-cooperative jurisdictions (NCJ) and sanctions. the fact that a proposal relates to a strategic sector is a necessary but in no way a sufficient condition for it to be considered for this exceptional investment. The indicative total Budget in 2021 for the Pathfinder Challenges scheme is 132 million. What is the expected project output? To do so, eligible applicants will have to submit a new proposal via the short application stage of the evaluation procedure for the EIC Accelerator. This Pathfinder Challenge supports collaborative research and innovation from consortia with at least 3 partners following the standard eligibility conditions, i.e. However, innovations that harm the environment or social welfare or that are designed primarily for military applications will not be . At the end of a Transition project, the technology should have matured to TRL 5/6 and the business case should be sufficiently advanced for the applicant to be ready for the next stage, which can be to apply for EIC Accelerator. legal opinion or self-assessment? The focus will be on achieving a reduction in embodied rather than operational carbon emissions. The participation of SMEs and industrial partners in the EIC Pathfinder consortia is not compulsory. This is why most offered EIC services will have a certain selection process based on specific criteria relevant to the specific event or service. How can I benefit from coaching? plan for dissemination and communication. creating a shortlist of possible matches through individual selection criteria, inviting them, explaining the main business challenge and including project information. Next-generation face mask technologies with smart filtration materials to exceed N95 performance at low airflow resistance, with improved retention/rejection of sub-micron particles. Proposals for EIC Transition (mono-beneficiary only) that were judged to deserve funding but did not get it due to budget limits will receive the Seal of Excellence. The Step 1 applications must be submitted weeks in advance of Step 2. The budget for EIC Pathfinder is 350 million. In order to protect the activities and interests of the company, the expert signs the standard Horizon Europe expert contract template, including a strong impartiality and confidentiality clause and conflict of interest. Radical innovations in the area of natural solutions for carbon management and valorisation (carbon farmingcarbon stock in the soil, etc), Novel processes, materials, equipment, crops and microorganisms adapted to harsh environments, climate adaptation needs and resource scarcity.. The 2023 Work Programme of the EIC is outlining the newest Strategic Challenges for the EIC Accelerator. : for mono-beneficiary proposals, the budget may be smaller than for multi-beneficiary proposals, and certain sectors may be more expensive than others. A proposal with at least three independent legal entities each established in a differentMember State / Associated Country and with at least one of them established in a Member State. Grant-only beneficiaries under the EIC Accelerator pilot in Horizon 2020 can apply for an investment component follow-up in Horizon Europe. Note however that the eligibility conditions of each call needs to be satisfied (e.g., 3 minimum legal entities for consortia in Pathfinder Open and 2 for consortia in the Pathfinder Challenge, unless specified in the Challenge text call). For the Pathfinder Challenges call, what does it mean that portfolio considerations will be taken into account in the evaluation process? There is no explicit list of strategic technologies and applicants can propose innovations they consider strategic, with a justification included in their application. Read our privacy policy, All rights reserved Developed by Merav Webs, Examining the additional provisions concerning Intellectual Property for EIC Pathfinder & EIC Transition grants, High-risk / high-gain in EIC Pathfinder Open. Presenting the selected #SMEs and most recent applications from #eicAccelerator: researchers where they qualify as inventors) in public institutions should have sufficient access rights to further use/exploit the results. The rationale of these distinct features is that the EIC aims at delivering innovation and supporting the implementation of these innovations in companies, startups, spinouts or by other means (e.g. The Pathfinder is complemented by Accelerator support for innovative startups and SMEs. Why is there no option for rebuttal under Pathfinder Challenges? The exit strategy for each company is to be set on a case-by-case basis. If your proposal is rejected a second time, you will not be allowed to submit another proposal for 12 months, starting from the date of submission of your revised full proposal, at which point you may only submit a new or significantly improved proposal to the short application stage. Moreover, DNA-based data storage can profit from the growing range of DNA research, tools and techniques from the life sciences, while potentially also adding to it (e.g., for in-vivo data collection). For more details read the EIC Work Programme 2022 and check . Throughout 2022, the EIC will organise various discussions and events to help identify the most promising emerging topics for the Challenges, and EIC Programme Managers are expected to play a central role in this process. The granting authority will impose penalties when the beneficiary continues to oppose to the dissemination by the granting authority or refuses to provide any data or document necessary for the said dissemination. Hence, the granting authority will not impose penalties if the beneficiary attempts to disseminate and provides the means to the granting authority to support the dissemination. The use of DNA sequences as chassis for non-standard forms of information coding, or of other polymeric substrates and related coding/decoding techniques are also in scope, provided they entail at least similar benefits than state-of-the-art DNA approaches. The Transition Challenge projects will be by default part of the related challenge portfolio. The Director-General responsible may delay the deadline(s) by up to two months.). Therefore, proposals under the EIC Pathfinder Challenges scheme should propose a project aiming at realizing a novel technology and contribute to the aims of a pre-defined challenge. What is the procedure if I have received a NO-GO after my second short proposal submission and believe that one or more evaluators have wrongly assessed my proposal? The EIC Fund will seek that the equity investment is at least matched by these other potential, qualified investors (i.e. In Horizon Europe, what is the status of participants from non-EU, Associated or third countries? The PIC number of the newly established entity has to be communicated before submitting the full proposal to the EIC evaluation team so that we can update your application with the correct information. It should pave the way for Europe to be at the cutting edge of quantum capabilities by 2030 as envisioned by the 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade., Applications to this EIC Accelerator Challenge may request an investment component of above EUR 15 million in duly justified cases., Design, development and evaluation of interdisciplinary solutions for regenerative agriculture and soil health in the areas of.

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