78th un general assembly president

Sustainable development is a key tenet of my. The provocations threaten the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, the region and beyond. Anniversary of the establishment of the Commission. The 78th General Assembly took place in Singapore. OSUGA TAKESHI (Japan) said his country opposes any unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force anywhere in the world and supports a unified response to any such attempt. According to the source, the Romanian President's . They must address inequalities and debt burden; leverage technologies; create economic opportunities;promote partnerships, and support vulnerable countries in the region. The process of so-called borderization the erection of razorbarbedwire fences and the creation of other artificial obstacles along the administrative boundary line and the denial of access to international human rights monitors to the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions is a grave deterioration to the human rights situation on the ground, he said. He went on to say that the issue under discussion is a breach of international law by the United States. Financing matters. Not an official record. Pretoria President Ramaphosa to participate in the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly | The . Also speaking today on the status of internally displaced persons and refugees form Abkhazia, Georgia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia were the representatives of Lithuania (on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic States), Japan, Italy, United Kingdom and Venezuela, as well as the European Union and the Permanent Observer of the Holy See. In his farewell speech to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as President, he told the 77th . with finances, technology, capacity development. However, it has received no answers to its request for dialogue. All eyes were on diplomacy's biggest moment as the need for unprecedented, urgent global . General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret), Prime Minister of Thailand. From the beginning of my presidency eight months ago, we have organized a series of events to galvanize actions toward recovery and sustainable rebuilding, with particular attention to the needs of the LDCs, LLDCs, and the SIDS. Pointing out that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is the only country to have carried out nuclear tests in the twenty-first century, he urged Pyongyang to engage in diplomacy towards denuclearization and accept the repeated offers of dialogue, as well as strive to improve its humanitarian situation. This resolution demonstrates the international communitys commitment to address violations of human rights and humanitarian issues faced by these people. He urged all Council members to take their mandate for upholding international peace and security seriously, stressing: The Councils full commitment to the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea in accordance with its resolutions is what we need now.. The Assembly had decided that its President shall convene a formal meeting within 10 working days on the situation to which the veto was cast. Many countries echoed calls on Pyongyang to cease developing weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, with Mexicos representative pointing out that his country has on many occasions condemned the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas continued development of a nuclear and ballistic weapons programme. Eric Livingston Pastor Eric has served as State Pastor for the Church of God in Illinois since June of 2009.Prior to that he was the Lead Pastor at Shorewood Church of God for 22 years..General Assembly Church Of God Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. By. We urge the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to stop such provocative actions, abide by all relevant Council resolutions and respond to the call for dialogue and peace on the Korean Peninsula through complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization, he said. Food insecurity is looming. , are closely interlinked with the theme of ESCAPs 78. The president is the chair and presiding officer of the General Assembly. QNA Doha His Highness the Amir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani met with President of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly Volkan Bozkir . BURHAN GAFOOR (Singapore), advocating for a strong Council, said permanent membership in that organ comes with special responsibilities. These pathways should be inclusive and centered on protecting people and the planet. By supporting this resolution, we are not only telling those 400,000that they also matter, and are not forgotten nor left behind, but also putting moral pressure on the participants of the Geneva International Discussions to fulfil their obligations, he said, urging Member States to vote in favour of the text. Defending its position, Chinas representative said his country had no choice but to vote against the draft resolution put forth by the United States given the lack of consensus. In the afternoon, the Assembly debated and then adopted by a recorded vote a draft resolution on the status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia. Hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons remain deprived of their right to a safe, dignified and voluntary return to their places of origin and their property rights. The pandemic has led to ballooning fiscal deficits, with governments forced to provide a significant stimulus to citizens, while economic activities and tax revenues dried up. September 21, 2022. The Baltic and Nordic States remain deeply concerned about the continued deterioration of the human rights situation in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, which are under the Russian Federations occupation, he said. Venezuela Officially Regains Control of Monmeros in Colombia He also encouraged the Government to include and prioritize internally displaced persons in its national development plan and make further efforts to improve their living conditions and livelihoods. Tuesday, 26 October 2021. Contrary to the argument that the Councils silence would induce restraint and dialogue from that country, it has launched the largest number of ballistic missiles this year, including eight last Saturday alone the largest number thus far in a single day. 11 - 15 October 2009 - Singapore. The representative of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, underscoring that a sovereign State has the right to self-defence, said his country is bolstering its defence capabilities to prepare for a potential security crisis on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, and to cope with the United States hostile threats. Debt relief programs could also be combined with efforts to promote green growth and green jobs, or converted into innovative incentive packages such as debt-for-nature swaps, debt-for-climate adaptation swaps, and Sustainable Development Goal bonds. The country has its own track record of exporting weapons and technologies to third parties. The priorities of my Presidency of Hope, from Recovering from the pandemic, to Rebuilding sustainably, to Protecting the planet, are closely interlinked with the theme of ESCAPs 78thSession: A Common Agenda for Advancing Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific.. The United States ignored the Russian Federations reason for not supporting a document in favour of new sanctions, which would worsen the humanitarian situation in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Moreover, the illegal and unjust Russian invasion of Ukraine is another stark example of why the international community must condemn the Russian Federations repeated aggression against its neighbours and support the rights of all forcibly displaced persons. The General Assembly will meet again at 10a.m., on Thursday, 9June, to elect five non-permanent members of the Security Council to replace the members whose term of office expires on 31December and consider its agenda entitled Notification by the Secretary-General under Article12, paragraph2, of the Charter of the United Nations of matters relative to the maintenance of international peace and security that are being dealt with by the Council, and of the matters with which the Council has ceased to deal. However, the United States returned to the old path of strategic patience and maximum pressure, increasing sanctions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, which intensified that countrys distrust of the United States, bringing talks to a complete deadlock. President Muhammadu Buhari has reemphasize his resolve to leave behind a legacy of credible elections after serving out his two terms of eight years in May next year. General Assembly: 78th plenary meeting, 76th session, Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU). The speaker for the United States, warning that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas repeated launches of missiles threaten the world, said that country has launched 31 ballistic missiles since the beginning of this year in violation of multiple Council resolutions adopted by consensus. It meets once a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international cooperation, working methods, finances and programmes of activities. Likewise, Ukraine's representative said Russia does not stop at Georgia, and pointed to the Russian Federations invasion against his country in2014 and its full-scale invasion in February. Science as a guide The new General Assembly president highlighted that his tenure would push "solutions through solidarity, sustainability and science", enhancing the role of science in the UN body's decision shaping. The Councils lack of strong action only harms the global non-proliferation regime, including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and reinforces the need for the Council to take strong action by adopting a new resolution, he said, urging Pyongyang to engage in diplomacy towards denuclearization and accept the repeated offers of dialogue. UNITED NATIONS (AP) The Latest on the opening day of the U.N. General Assembly's annual high-level meeting (all times EDT): 8:25 p.m. El Salvador President Nayib Bukele has told the U.N. General Assembly that wealthy countries should help or at least not block developing countries trying to chart their own paths, just days after . This contributes to regional insecurity and has an unacceptable humanitarian impact. and security, and upsetting global commodity and food markets, A Common Agenda for Advancing Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, pathways should be inclusive and centered on protecting people and the planet. A-Z Site Index | Contact | Copyright | Fraud Alert | Privacy Notice | Terms of Use, H.E. Starting with preliminary sessions and registration on Monday, July 25, 2022, the Assembly will . The illegal so-called parliamentary elections held in Abkhazia, Georgia, on 12March, and the illegal so-called presidential elections in the Georgian region of South Ossetia on 10April, constitute further violations of Georgias sovereignty and territorial integrity. Many individuals could not return to their pre-conflict homes because of the brutal and unjustified war of choice by the Russian Federation. Mr. ROBERTS (United Kingdom) said it has been 13years since the Russian Federations military invasion of Georgia and the United Kingdom remains extremely concerned about the situation. We have all witnessed how the [Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea] dissipated their scarce resources by blowing up expensive missiles in the sky, he said. For the first time in the history of the United Nations, each Member State, Observer State, and the European Union, was invited to submit a pre-recorded video, delivered by its designated high . The Security Council has clearly affirmed that sanctions imposed are not intended to have adverse humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, he said, noting that the draft resolution, which was vetoed by two permanent Council members, proposed to broaden the humanitarian exemption mechanism. The conflict in that country is endangering international peace and threatening the food security of many people, he said, calling for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. The Secretary-Generals comprehensive report on the implementation of last years resolution shows that no major changes were observed during the reporting period regarding internally displaced persons and refugees exercising their right to return, he observed. Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of ESCAP. , there is an urgent need to address immediate debt vulnerabilities and restore debt sustainability for count, The pandemic has led to ballooning fiscal deficits, with governments forced to provide a significant stimulus to citizens. Ours is a vast country strengthened by its diversity and its common values of hard work, enduring faith and a. President Muhammadu Buhari addressed the 77th United Nations General Assembly, UNGA, in New York, the United States of America on Wednesday. that between 2019 and 2021, the average fiscal deficit among Asia-Pacific developing countries increased from 1.2 to 6.2 percent of GDP. countries, between women and men, and between rural and urban. He called on that country to end its self-imposed blockade and allow the United Nations, its resident coordinator and other international organizations to re-enter and resume humanitarian work. He also called on that country to cooperate with the international community to mitigate humanitarian suffering resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak. ENRIQUE OCHOA (Mexico) said that his country has on numerous occasions condemned the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas continued development of a nuclear and ballistic weapons programme. The Venezuelan president also referred to the unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela in his message to the 77th UN General Assembly. The Councils silence, due to the exercise of the veto, has left this grave situation unaddressed. Reaffirming his countrys commitment to the territorial integrity of Georgia, he called for strengthening of the dialogue with the breakaway regions to be launched in the Geneva talks, and support for the work and the aims of the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas recent launches of ballistic missiles have raised tensions, he said, calling on that country to cease all provocations immediately and comply with all its non-nuclear commitments and stressing that Singapore takes its commitments very seriously in that regard. On all counts, countries in special situations are struggling. All internally displaced people and refugees should be able to choose a durable solution, including a voluntary, safe and dignified return, as well as of being able to exercise property rights, he said, expressing regret that, thus far, no progress has been achieved on these issues and recalling that addressing them is a core task of the Geneva International Discussions. On that day, Abdulla Shahid of the Maldives, was sworn in as the General Assembly President and he opened the 76th session. This years resolution commits everyone to keep working to protect and assist people who have been forcibly displaced from the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali/South Ossetia regions of Georgia, and to ensure they can safely return. The use of the veto by China and the Russian Federation in the Council has given the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea tacit approval as that country finalizes preparations for a seventh nuclear test. The United States supports Georgias territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, he said, adding that the Russian Federations presence is a threat. Japan is committed to providing assistance for internally displaced people and refugees. Non-proliferation is in the interests of all parties, he said. BASSAM SABBAGH (Syria) said the clarification provided by China and the Russian Federation expresses their just opposition to calling for increased sanctions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. The outcomes from this Assembly and the upcoming Winter Assembly will form the basis upon which the EBU, under its new Director General, and Members can develop a common understanding of the Union's strategic vision beyond 2020. He expressed concern about the indication of the ongoing North Korean nuclear programme development and called on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to sign and ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and in the meantime, to fully observe the moratorium on nuclear test explosions or any other nuclear explosion. Georgias representative, introducing the text, said it addresses the humanitarian plight of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees of different ethnic backgrounds expelled from the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali in his country due to multiple waves of ethnic cleansing. The Russian Federations speaker said her delegation had also voted against the text tabled by the United States in the Council, stressing that a document in favour of new sanctions would worsen the humanitarian situation in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. The European Union continues to work towards ensuring the effective and meaningful implementation of those exemptions. The issue under discussion is a breach of international law by the United States and the Councils draft resolution is a product of that countrys illegal hostile policy, he said, wondering why missile tests conducted by the United States have never been called into question or condemned by the Council. In explanation of vote before the vote, the representative of Venezuela expressed concern at the growing trend of attempts to instrumentalize the Assembly and attack its fully fledged members and use it as a platform to adopt resolutions which lack consensus, deepening tensions and divisions. President-elect 77th session (2022-2023):. UNGA76 refers to the 76 years of existence of the United Nations which was established in 1945 in the aftermath of World War 2. . The representative of the Republic of Korea expressed regret that the Council, for the first time in handling the Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas nuclear and ballistic missile programmes since2006, has failed to respond to the countrys serious provocations. Canadas delegate, speaking also for Australia and New Zealand, said the human rights situation has gravely deteriorated due to the process of socalled borderization the erection of razorbarbedwire fences and the creation of other artificial obstacles along the administrative boundary line as well as the denial of access to international human rights monitors to the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions. Preventive diplomacy is being cast aside when dealing with certain countries. MAURIZIO MASSARI (Italy), associating himself with the European Union, expressed concern about human rights violations in the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The rules-based international order is being brutally attacked and the ongoing war has global implications for peace and security, which is why the need for an efficient Council is more urgent than before. ANNA M. ESTIGNEEVA (Russian Federation) said her delegation had voted against the draft resolution tabled by the United States in the Council and its reasons for doing so are available to everyone. "I will work to foster measurable progress in the sustainability transformation - and cultivate the solidarity we need to achieve breakthroughs or to avert future . H.E. Sustainable development is a key tenet of my Presidency of Hope. Strengthening of United Nations System: Security Council Special Report. Since2006, the Council has adopted 10sanctions resolutions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Canadas delegate, speaking also for Australia and New Zealand, said the human rights situation has gravely deteriorated due to the process of socalled borderization the erection of razorbarbedwire fences and the creation of other artificial obstacles along the administrative boundary line as well as the denial of access to international human rights monitors to the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions. KAHA IMNADZE (Georgia), introducing the draft resolution by the same name as the report (documentA/76/L.62), said it addresses the humanitarian plight of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees of different ethnic backgrounds expelled from the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali in his country as a result of multiple waves of ethnic cleansing, starting from1993, and culminating with the full-scale aggression against Georgia in2008. September 22, 2022 Editorial IV News 0. KIM SONG (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea), underscoring that a sovereign State has the right to self-defence, said his country is bolstering its national defence capabilities in preparation for a potential security crisis on the Korean Peninsula and in the region. vulnerable to commodity and food price shocks. Georgias representative, introducing the text, said it addresses the humanitarian plight of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees of different ethnic backgrounds expelled from the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali in his country due to multiple waves of ethnic cleansing. The United Nations should ensure the prompt and smooth delivery of relief assistance in full respect of the above-mentioned principles, bearing in mind also relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolutions 2816 (XXVI) of 14 December 1971 and 45/100 of 14 December 1990. He called on the Russian Federation to reverse its recognition of the Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions. The United Nations system needs to be adapted and must integrate new technologies into plans and strategies to accelerate the advancement of the SDGs, with equality and equity as the guiding principles. Pyongyang took positive steps to improve the situation, but the Council did not respond appropriately. Further, it should strive to improve its humanitarian situation, he said, also calling on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to take concrete measures to immediately resolve the abductions issue. KRZYSZTOF MARIA SZCZERSKI (Poland) said the excessive use of veto is particularly harmful in situations that call for swift and decisive action, such as the Russian Federations aggression against Ukraine. The General Assembly is INTERPOL's supreme governing body and comprises delegates appointed by the governments of member countries. The company's filing status is listed as Revoked and its File Number is 0800124066 . At the 78th UNGA, there will be a new face at this podium speaking for Nigeria. The Councils silence, due to the exercise of the veto, has left this grave situation unaddressed. He warned that Afghanistan is one of the countries least prepared to face climate shocks. Thank you very muchhttps://www.paypal.me/WiyardSaloneI you want to support us through moneygram, Western Union, Remite and more please send it to Fatmata Bangura and fprward the transaction details to our whatsapp line+23279421437Join our whatsApp grouphttps://chat.whatsapp.com/Ih8zoeS2S7m1p7klR2bytF It has carried out weapon tests in the safest manner, he said, pointing out that no harm was done to neighbouring countries. After 14years since its aggression and occupation of Georgias territories, the Russian Federation still refuses to implement the European Unionmediated ceasefire agreement of August2008, withdraw its military and security forces and armaments from both regions, and allow the establishment of international security mechanisms on the ground, he said. We will add more information to this page as it becomes available. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. spoke for the first time at the United Nations General Assembly during the high-level General Debate on Wednesday, September 21 (Tuesday, September 20, New York time). UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres on Tuesday said the COVID-19 pandemic had proven to be the most challenging period the world had seen, as the 75th session of the General Assembly closed to usher in the 76th session. In that regard, the resolution, which was vetoed by the Russian Federation and China in the Council, intended to demonstrate that violations of international law have consequences, sometimes in the form of sanctions. The aggressor must and will be stopped to bring peace, security and prosperity back to the region, he said. Likewise, we must do more to ensure equal parts financing for adaptation and mitigation, and ensure the full cooperation of the private sector, who manage trillions in resources. We once again urge the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to change its course and participate in meaningful dialogue for denuclearization, he said. , as well as increased vulnerability to, and frequency of, natural disasters. He noted that the draft resolution addresses the humanitarian plight of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees, of different ethnic backgrounds, expelled from Georgias regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali as a result of multiple waves of ethnic cleansing. Its military activity is a major proliferation challenge and requires the international communitys attention. The political polarization by and attempts to isolate certain States deepens Council divisions and restricts its capacity to mount a collective response. Calling on those in charge to bring a much-awaited solution through negotiations, he said the draft resolution also recognizes the importance of the Geneva International Discussions as the only tool for settlement of the conflict. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Koreas launches of intercontinental ballistic and other ballistic missiles are a clear violation of relevant Council resolutions. The UN general assembly is the world's parliament, where all the UN's 193 member states are represented. Protracted conflicts in the GUAM area and their implications for international peace, security and development - Debate on the item. GA Debate Homepage. ODAWARA KIYOSHI, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, wondering if the use of the veto may have emboldened the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, said the acceleration of its nuclear missile programme is totally unacceptable.

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